Dear Leyton,
I’ve officially broken my own record of how late I can be on a baby update post. Oops! You turn 8 months next week, but better late than never, right? This month has been exceptionally busy with spring in the real estate market for my job, your dad’s job, getting trained in Pure Barre Platform and leaving with your dad by himself with you for the first time overnight, going to Indianapolis for Easter to visit your great-grandparents, and having your grandparents in town. There are so many firsts to celebrate this month though that I can’t let it slip by without documenting it all for you!
This month you have started rolling ALL OVER the place. We set you down on the play mat and half the time, we’ll look over a couple of minutes later and you are totally upside down and at the other end or off of it on the rug. You flip side to side with ease. You are sitting up better but still topple over sometimes. On days when I’m off work, I’ll wake you up between 9-10 am, feed you, and then sit you in between my legs so you can work on your sit up game while I read you a book or let you play with your big block with all kinds of activities on it.
You swung on your first swing this month and thoroughly enjoyed it! Your daddy pushed you and you seemed chill just like you always do. You even flashed us some big smiles! You love time with your daddy early on Saturday mornings watching soccer while mommy is still asleep. Your dad will set you up on your feet and let you hang onto the coffee table which is round and metal, so you love to feel the coolness on your gums and slobber all over it. Daddy loves his boy time with you!
We also traveled up to Indianapolis for the first time this year to visit your great-grandparents for Easter! We had a great time and you did great in our car ride like you always do! You loved your great-grandmother Jo blowing on your fingers and playing with you. You thought she was so funny and we got some really cute video of you giggling at her. You have gotten a lot more “talkative” this month. We love hearing you coo and oooooh and ahh.
We are taking you on your first plane ride next month to Tampa and hope you do just as well then! (Sidenote, make sure if you are parents traveling soon with a baby, you check out this great info from Allstate about traveling with kids or this Pinterest graphic.)
Sadly, you’ve had another ear infection this month and another cold…we hate it for you! Here’s hoping the second half of your first year has less of those.
Here’s your 7 Month Old Milestones:
- Sleep: You are sleeping through the night still and have been waking up less in the middle of the night when you flip over.  In bed around 8-8:30. You typically get up around 9-10 am unless we wake you up earlier for mom to go to work. Sometimes you coo and are awake around 7 but just hang out in your crib playing with your feet till you fall back asleep. You are sucking your thumb less often.
- Eating: You eat every 3-3.5 hours during the day and are still breastfeeding. You take about 8 oz each time. We loosely follow Moms on Call and started a sippy cup at dinner. You eat real food at dinner time each night and we take baby food or avocados to Miss Emily or Momma Mackey when they watch you to feed you. You seem to be ingesting more now and your gag reflex is not as strong. There’s a lot of things mommy didn’t know about feeding a baby like…you can’t have honey! Get the scoop HERE from Allstate.
- Bath Time: Still LOVE it, and now are looking at us more again and love watching your wash cloth squeeze water up over your head like rain. You squeal with delight and get the whole bathroom COVERED in water!
- You roll easily from side to side and are starting to find how to reach, stretch and roll your way to get what you want.
- Loves: You are still obsessed with your car seat toy. Now you enjoy watching yourself in our phones in videos and looking at pictures of yourself.  You still occasionally like looking at the fan or the wall decor above your changing table but are more into mirrors and playing peek a boo or I’m going to get you games.
- Clothes: You are wearing 6 months clothes and still squeezing into some 3-6 month clothes and wearing size 3 diapers.
- Weight:Â 15.9 lbs, about 50th percentile for height and only 8th for weight!
Thanks to Casey Marie Family Photography for the photos of Leyton laying on the floor in our home. Make sure if you are local, you check her out. Sticker Onesie Set: Bella Tunno
This post was written as part of the Allstate Influencer Program and sponsored by Allstate. All opinions are mine. As the nation’s largest publicly held personal lines insurer, Allstate is dedicated not only to protecting what matters most–but to help protect your firsts and the moments in between. Share your firsts with #HeresToFirsts

Heather, He is just too cute – REALLY! I looked at all the pictures. I love the one of him on the quilt. Mama and Daddy are so proud – thanks for sharing. The three of you make a super cute picture. So enjoy your blog.
From your animal-rescuing, auntie to 4 nieces, baby boomer friend in
Fayetteville, TN,
Rhonda Copple
Thank you so much, Rhonda! It’s a joy to hear from you and your kind words are always appreciated. We feel very blessed. 🙂
HOW is he seven months old already?! He is adorable.
I know right?! Can’t believe it!!
This is so precious!! I can only imagine how many firsts you’re witnessing as he grows. So sweet 🙂
He’s just the sweetest little blessing. Thank you, Jessica!
LOVE all the photos! Happy 7 months to your sweet boy!! <3
Ahhhh, you are too kind! THank you
I can’t imagine how fun it is to watch all the firsts! He’s so cute.
Thanks, Emmie! You can say that again. 🙂
Awww, what a great read. Your baby is so adorable!!
Thanks so much, Lainey! That’s very kind of you to say 🙂
Not a mom, but I love seeing these and knowing what to expect!
If I had a baby that cute, I’d probably just gawk at him with a camera all day- he’s so precious!!! 🙂