Shop the 10 Month Old Update Photos: Stars and Stripes Outfit // Hat // Blocks // Bean Bags // See Leyton’s 10 month old update here to see how similar they look
Baby Finn,
This past month has been busy, fun, and full of laughs. I truly LOVE this age so so much and know you only get more fun. I’m one of those people who thinks about 6 months to 18 months old is one of the most fun ages with babies. I LOVE how interactive you are, your laugh, how you lay your head down on me almost immediately when we walk into your room at bedtime and how cuddly you are.
This past week you even fell asleep on me IN THE POOL. You stayed asleep for about 20 minutes and I just soaked up listening to your little snores…THE CUTEST! I of course had to document it on video. Your two top teeth burst through this past month and you have started to use your pincer grip to grab for alllll the food.
Speaking of the water, we also went to the lake with our friends the McGarrah’s. This is your second time to their lake house and you just love the wind, the fresh air and being out with everyone.
This month you and Leyton started bathing in the tub together a little more often too. We put you in your baby bath tub in the big tub with Leyton and you think it’s the greatest thing and so fun! No surprise your bro loves it too. As soon as you get out of the tub, your little curls start to pop up…they are getting more and more prominent!
About 3 weeks ago, Ms. Cathy, your Sunday School teacher told me that I came around the corner with big brother to get you and you said, “Mama!” While your daddy and I have heard you say a few things that sound like it since then, we haven’t outright heard you say it yet and I just can’t wait till we do!
Your daddy and I still love the little fat pad on your foot where it’s extra cushy on the top. Your belly and leg rolls are slimming down some but you’ve still got a lot of chub to go around. You are just so squishy and lovable, baby Finn!
We love the way you grasp your little hands and watching you roll, scooch and pull up ALL OVER the place! You are Mr. Grabber right now. Nothing is safe! Even when we think things are out of reach, you prove us wrong over and over. Our days of not watching you EVERY second are numbered.
We love you to the moon and back, my little squishy!
10 Month Old Favorite Baby Clothes
goumikids CODE: HEATHER20 (goumikids Amazon), KicKee Pants, Kyte Baby
10 Month Old Favorite Activities & Toys
Finn is currently loving his Amazon Prime Play Mat for crawling practice! We have the medium size and chose the car/polka dot pattern so Leyton could play on it too with his trucks!
Baby Finn’s 10 Month Old Update on Milestones:
Sleep: We got a little thrown off by the lake trip so you weren’t thrilled about leaving apparently and took it out on us by not sleeping well our first few nights back. You wake up almost every am at about 7-8 am feed and go back down till mommy’s ready to get you up and hit the gym.
Eating: You still nurse every 3-4 hours and are more into ALLLL the foods this month. Crushing the pouches and real food alike. Ham, rolls, strawberries, cheese…you don’t discriminate. 😉
Strength: Just started army crawling today…SO SO SO close. You are already pulling up on items and standing.
Loves: Being thrown in the air, staring at Leyton, bath time, eating, being outside.
Clothes: 9-12 month
Weight: 20 lbs 7 oz
Diapers: size 4
Read Finn’s Other Baby Milestone Posts: