Dear My Life Well Loved Community,
I am in awe that this day has come. Of course it happened in classic Heather style…I found out I had hit 100K on Instagram while pumping on the bed at Pursell Farms late at night when I checked my phone after we celebrated Eric’s birthday dinner there!
I had several text messages alerting me to check my Instagram to see, indeed, that there are 100,000 of you who have come alongside me in those little squares on Instagram to help empower women to live a life well loved.
You being here in this community means you want to support other women who are busy, wiping booties, trying to workout, figuring out how to invest in your marriage, and just trying to find where you belong. I have shed tears with you when Leyton turned 1, and then 2, and then 3. I cried again when I was hormonal pregnant with baby Finn and you still stuck by my side when I was drowning in all the feels figuring out how to adjust to life with a toddler and baby. I have shed tears with you when you told me you lost babies, couldn’t get pregnant, or when you struggled in your faith.
Not only did having a baby rock my world with Finn, but then I had to figure out how to not hurt Leyton’s feelings and how to make him still feel special. That lead to me finding out how managing and balancing my love for 2 babies would change my marriage, how much harder it would be to fit in “me” time, devotionals, and all the things. You encouraged me in how you adjusted to all of the above and have offered a hand to lift me up and made me a better mom, wife, and friend.
This past year has been a year of change. I have hired on 5 other ladies who are also wrangling kids to help me part-time to keep up with the website, emails, social media, advertisers, public relations, and all the other hats you wear as an entrepreneur.
It’s very important to me that as MLWL continues to grow, I still have my finger on the pulse…reading messages, talking with each of you, and finding a way to grow that can sustain one-on-one relationships. Because, to be truthful, that’s what makes this FUN. It’s also what I believe God has called me to do. To encourage women. To connect. To help where I can and to shine His light in a hurting world.
Although my life is nowhere near perfect, I’m striving every day and hoping to make it great and fulfilling with a “can do” attitude…because I’m too blessed to think about my life any other way. Your friendship, your caring hearts, and your encouraging words along the way have made this dream all possible.
My heart is full to the brim because even on the days that I get hateful or hurting messages, God blows me away with another one of you that reaches out to encourage me and lift me up with prayers, Bible verses, or messages that bring tears to my eyes.
This community would literally be NOTHING without you. If I were over here talking to my phone on IG stories each day but no one responded, gave their ideas, or helped other women in the comments, it would be all for nothing. Your power, your grace, your wisdom, and the ability to share it so willingly is what makes me PROUD to have this community.
The My Life Well Loved women are strong. You are fierce. You are giving. You are loving. You are leaders. You are heart-warming. You support me. And in turn I want to support YOU. I want to pray for you. I want to produce content that not only helps you dress well but speaks to your heart.
All this to say, I am here to serve you. I am here for you. And I am BLOWN AWAY at how many of you are here for me. Thank you, thank you for helping this postpartum brain mama get to 100,000 women strong who are in this community day in and day out. EVERY single message, every single comment, every single like helps this community grow, and helps content get seen so that maybe, some day when another mama is out there hurting and needs to see a word of encouragement, you help her see it by sharing/liking/commenting/engaging. And if you want to make sure you stay plugged into all things MLWL, depsite the algorithms, make sure to join the email list HERE.
There is no way I could ever say thank you enough for letting the Lord use me as His vessel in this internet space, but I sure am going to try! Stay tuned for more giveaways, more fun, and more hilarity that is my clutzy life. You are precious, sister friend, thanks for walking alongside me in this journey. You matter and YOU are ALL. THE. THINGS!
I love you!