SHOP Finn’s 12 Month Old Baby Photos: Onesie // Blocks
Photos by Magen Davis Photography
I know this is typically where I write a letter recapping the last month! However, be sure you head over to Finn’s 1 Year Old Letter to read all my thoughts and love to him for his birthday or check out Finn’s FIRST Fiesta Party Theme to see his first birthday party and all the pics! Those posts were just getting too long to include his stats too + I didn’t want to take these 12 month pics until he was feeling better. Poor Finnster!
Finn’s 12 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule & Stats:
Sleep: You have been a champ this past month at sleep. You did cry a bit during the night when you had your double ear infection right around your bday- sad!!! You still wake up between 7-8 am to drink your first bottle and then we put you back down to sleep until we are ready to get you up and going for the day.
Eating: We have completely weaned as of this week. Insert all the crazy feels. Relived to get so many hours of my life back. Sad to see that bonding come to an end. Curious to see if I feel that much different post-weaning like how I did after Leyton. You made it very obvious that the time was coming to a close; not being very interested in nursing because you were too busy. Then we both got sick and then I traveled and forgot my pump. But I’m glad I got one more time with you when I got back from my trip and I’ll treasure that gift forever.
You’ve been a little “finn”icky about drinking cow’s milk and at first wanted us to heat it for you but now you are slowly seeming to be ok with it cold. You take your time with your bottle because you want to be exploring and doing all the things but normally drink about 5-6 oz coming back and forth to it.
You eat 3 meals a day with water in a sippy cup typically and have milk 3-4x/day. You still impatiently sign for MORE MORE MORE and or if you don’t think we’re moving fast enough start slamming your hands on your tray of your high chair demanding FOOD NOW!
You eat finger foods, bites of whatever we are having and pouches. You love cereals, especially Puffins and I’m always hollering at Leyton in the backseat to “pass the puffins” to Finn! I love watching his little arm reach across the back seat to hand you a Puffin and then seeing your little hand stick out and NAB that Puffin as fast as you can and fist it into your mouth, ha!
Strength: You are getting closer to walking now. I think if I really encouraged you to do it more, you would. But let’s be honest, mama is trying to soak up every bit of your babyhood. I love just staring at you as you move your fingers and toes, teeter around the coffee table and transfer to the couch. You push all your toys around like walkers and even stand at the coffee table with no hands as of Thursday! I know you’ll be walking in no time.
Words: You say “Ma Ma” some now but usually not for me to hear, you little stinker. You said it to the nursery worker when I came around the corner to pick you up and I also heard you say it in your room talking the other day wanting me to get you up. You’ll say it RARELY once you’ve got me because I guess you figure you don’t need it to get my attention when you have me, lol.
You say lots of “wah” “wah” “wah” sounds and are loving working on hand claps, high fives and waving bye bye.
Loves: Fisher-Price Activity Center, high chair , b toys frog, activity cube, b toys whale, really anything you can get your hands into. You have now discovered how to turn on the water in the sink and in the bathtub. Muddy Paws finger puppet book. So I got you a dolphin finger puppet book while I was in Sandestin.
Clothes: Size 12 months or 9-12 months, seems like you are thinning out a tad, big boy!
Weight: You weighed 21.3 lbs and measured 28.5″ at the doctor when I took you for your flu shot and check up. They said you are only in the 8th percentile for height but that can change quickly. You have been in the SUPER high percentiles for weight but were under 50th this time!
Diapers: Size 4 in Parasol Diaper Company (I think they tend to run a tad small)
Nicknames: Still singing Baaaaaby Finn to you, Phineas, Finny Finnster, The Finnster, Baby Finn, Finn Finn, Baby, Baby Buddy, Kickin’ Chicken,
12 Month Old Baby Favorite Activities + Toys:
Finn’s 12 Month Old Baby Milestones:
- Finn’s Birth Story
- Finn’s 1 Month Update
- Finn’s 2 Month Update
- Finn’s 3 Month Update
- Finn’s 4 Month Update
- Finn’s 5 Month Update
- Finn’s 6 Month Update
- Finn’s 7 Month Update
- Finn’s 8 Month Update
- Finn’s 9 Month Update
- Finn’s 10 Month Update
- Finn’s 11 Month Update
- My One Year Old Letter to Finn
Read Finn’s Other Baby Posts: