SHOP The 2020 Christmas Post HERE: Dress – fits TTS wearing size 4 // Similar Dress // Booties // Earrings // Fave Lip // Leyton and Finn’s Monogrammed Shirts // Eric’s ON Cloud Sneakers // Eric’s Lululemon Pants // Finn’s Striped Pajamas // Finn’s Green Pants
Our 2020 Christmas Recap: A Family Christmas

Dear Leyton And Finn,
Make sure you check out the pics from last year’s Christmas to see how much you’ve grown in this one year…wow!
Oh 2020 Christmas… what more could we expect from you than Aunt Holly having to get a COVID test on Christmas Eve morning? We are truly thankful her test came back negative and that they only had to miss Christmas Eve night and not the whole shebang!
We made the most of our 2020 Christmas by baking cookies with mama Mackey, making our peanut butter blossoms (Finn, you were so cute running the wrappers to the trash & trying to eat EVERY SWEET THING in sight from the dough to the kisses.), going to Church of the Highlands Christmas Eve service with “Zee Zee” and her family, getting treats from Chick-A-Way or cookies & treats from Starbucks and going to look at Christmas lights, enjoying our traditional Chinese food with Mama Mackey & Grand Mackey, and so much more!
On the night of Christmas Eve we couldn’t go to our church because it’s closed down for 2 weeks. We were quite nervous to take you both to the service at a new church but you did great! They had hot chocolate, cookies and fabulous singing + Leyton got to hold the Christmas Eve candle for the first time! I love that picture of you, Leyton!
After church, we had Mama Mackey & Grand Mackey come over for Chinese food and opening 1 gift each for each of you boys carrying on the same tradition Holly & I did growing up!
For the first time this year, we all watched the Grinch movie together AND Leyton you seemed to get the Santa concept more. You even asked to put out treats and milk for Santa and were very concerned about finding the Reindeer Food to put out! It was so cute!

Christmas Morning Pictures:
On Christmas morning, we did RoRo’s cinnamon rolls and made Kay’s Meatballs + Hashbrown Casserole. You guys seemed pretty happy with your gifts but I think the biggest excitement was Leyton’s crane and Finn’s big Thomas the train set that we didn’t even fully open till Sunday!
After a slow start to Christmas morning, we joined our neighbors for our 2nd annual mimosas and kids play with new toys hang out. It was SO cold this year… down to 15 degrees and it was FRIGID for us Alabama gals!
After enjoying the day by a fire pit and laughing and eating round one, we packed up and headed to Aunt Holly’s for y’all to play in the wooden dog crate that made it look like you were a band of thieves with baby Cal in “jail.” It was big fun, lots of chaos and I was so proud of both of you for eating plenty of ham!
Overall, we enjoyed so much about our relationships, watching you each take in Christmas, and having some light-hearted fun after a trying year. Finn your Santa screaming pics will for sure be a legend throughout your life! Too good!
Brown Family Letter – Christmas 2020:
Dear Family and Friends,
As one of Heather and my favorite songwriters wrote “Let the leftover year just wash away cause we made it through, I do believe the longest year in history” we hope this Christmas card and letter finds you and your families well. This marks our 6th year of the Brown Family Christmas Card and hopefully provides a brief glimpse into our family over the past year.
While this year has been difficult to say the least, Heather and I have made an effort to try and remember the small moments that have meant so much or just made us laugh that little bit extra. For Finn, this comes in the form of a new nickname he was bestowed this past year, “The Trash Panda” as we lovingly call him. He earned this nickname after watching his brother discard a half-eaten Jolly Rancher in the trash and proceed to sneak way to procure his prize, which of course we later found in his mouth…
For Leyton, this past year marks a leap in him coming out of his shell as one of his new favorite hobbies is digging “Finn traps”, usually a small hole in the sand or dirt in our backyard. While slightly concerning, it never fails to provide a brief moment of levity to a trying year. In all seriousness, Heather and I have loved watching their bond grow this year and hope for many more hijinks to come.
For Heather and me this past year has truly been about balance and control. In regards to balance, we understand life is most assuredly going to have its ups and downs but we know as long as we have the same goal and strive to reach it together things will be alright. And in regards to control, we have strived to understand that giving up control at times and asking for help is essential during difficult times. These two aspects have played a critical role as Heather continues to grow MyLifeWellLoved with her amazing team and I continue to work with an amazing group of people at CVA. As always, we feel so blessed this Christmas and Holiday season and we wish nothing but the best for you and your families.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Eric, Heather, Leyton and Finn Brown
A just balance and scales are the Lord’s; all the weights in the bag are his work.
Proverbs 16:11
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