How far along? 27 weeks pregnant. And officially in the third trimester. HOLY MOLY. In case you missed my last update, here’s my 26 week update.
Maternity clothes? Maternity clothes pretty much exclusively except for this jumpsuit I love and elastic waist regular pants and dresses.
Stretch marks? No.
Other Body Changes:Â The past few days I’ve started getting occasional sharp pains that if I breathe too deeply come shooting in in parts of my belly. It’s kind of shocking and then it goes away. I also had a weird quivering muscle sensation underneath my rib cage that lasted all day off and on. I would compare it to when you have a nerve twitching in your eye…like that weird pulsing sensation but probably from growth in my stomach muscles I assume.
Sleep:Â Good.
Best moment this week:Â Â My sweet baby shower from eMeals! Jane and Jenny (pictured) mean the world to me. We had Homewood Gourmet, played baby trivia games, and it was so much fun.
Movement:Â OH YEAH!
Gender: boy…Leyton Samuel.Â
Symptoms:Â Weird growing pains. Starting to notice it’s not as easy to bend down for certain things. I told Eric it won’t be long before he’s having to help me with more things. I’m now bending sideways to get things out of our washing machine and can’t lean all the way over the couch to grab things.
Wedding rings on or off? OnÂ
Mood: Happy! Lots of good times with friends for Maggie’s wedding as you may have seen on Instagram. And nervous for the prenatal diabetes test this week. I’ve heard that it has nothing to do with how healthy you are normally and is totally dependent on pregnancy and how it affects your system.
Looking forward to:Â Beach TRIP!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to head to Tampa soon.Â