How far along? 33 Weeks. In case you missed my last update, here’s my 32 week update.
Maternity Clothes: Yes and it’s so hot outside I really only want to wear dresses and flip flops…give me all the comfy, cool clothing!
Stretch Marks: None yet, thank goodness, thanks to Basq!
Sleep: I find that I am sleeping ok but once I wake up early in the morning, it’s hard to go back to sleep.
Best moment this week: I helped hostess a group baby shower for some of my other Pure Barre preggo babes at Cocina. It’s always so much fun spending time with our PB B’ham team!
Food cravings: LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER: It is so hard to stay well hydrated in this heat! No food cravings thought. It’s hard to eat a meal without feeling very uncomfortable. There’s not much room for my stomach to expand, I guess. BUT the cheese dip I had this week was SO good.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: boy…Leyton Samuel
Symptoms: This week we’ve been doing a lot of organizing and purging, so I noticed a lot of Braxton’s Hicks contractions during that. Heartburn has become a little bit of a bugger, but nothing terrible. And I just feel large…it’s harder to bend down, it’s hard to get off the floor, hard to roll over, etc.
Movement: Oh my goodness, yes! SO much movement. Almost every day I get my breath taken away by a strong kick or punch.
Belly Button in or out: Totally flat. Hope it stays that way!
Wedding Rings on or off: on.
Mood: Just taking lots of deep breaths trying to manage lots of stress going on this week. 🙂 I think I have to take lots of deep breaths because I feel short of breath too. I’m tired of getting easily exerted.
Baby is the size of: Weighs as much as a Pineapple, a little over 4 lbs. Over 17 inches…
Looking forward to: An exciting weekend ahead of nursery work and nesting.
Shop the Look: Dress: Maternal America from The Swanky Stork (Similar style, different color) | Earrings: Kendra Scott | Shoes: Just Fab (Similar) | Necklace: Rose Golde; local love! (Similar)