How far along? 34 weeks pregnant! In case you missed my last update, here’s my 33 week update.
Maternity Clothes: Yes and it’s so hot outside I really only want to wear dresses and flip flops…give me all the comfy, cool clothing!
Stretch Marks: None yet, thank goodness, thanks to Basq!
Sleep: I find that I am sleeping ok but once I wake up early in the morning, it’s hard to go back to sleep. And I am usually a night owl and able to sleep in! I also wake up sometimes and have a million thoughts in my mind I can’t slow down…so I lay there worrying about nursery, baby’s health, etc. I hear it’s pretty normal.
Best moment this week:Â More on this later, but WE MOVED! We are still in Birmingham, but lots of exciting changes coming for sure. The Lord has been so faithful to bring our new home to fruition.
Food cravings: LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER: It is so hard to stay well hydrated in this heat! No food cravings thought. It’s hard to eat a meal without feeling very uncomfortable.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: boy…Leyton Samuel
Symptoms: Had some pretty sharp pain during our Pure Barre intensive last week but I just slowed down and stretched and it went away. I checked in with my doctor on this and she said it’s ok, just my body telling me not to push too hard.  And I just feel large…it’s harder to bend down, it’s hard to get off the floor, hard to roll over, etc.
Movement: Oh my goodness, yes! SO much movement. Almost every day I get my breath taken away by a strong kick or punch.
Belly Button in or out: Totally flat. Hope it stays that way!
Wedding Rings on or off: on.
Mood:Â Great. We have the car seat set up in the back of my car, the stroller put together, and the crib put together now…woohoo, now onto decorating and awaiting my glider to get in from Storkland Baby Furniture!
Baby is the size of: Weighs as much as a Cantaloupe, 4 3/4 lbs. Almost 18 inches long!
Looking forward to:Â Our couples’ baby shower this weekend which I’m SO excited about. My sister and good friends have been working so hard on it and I cannot wait to celebrate with our amazing family and friends.

Which glider did you purchase? Was the it “ahhh” chair? I still think I might purchase that one for my living room. Excited for Friday!
I got the Little Castle Home Lido and can’t wait to get it in! 🙂 I know you’ll love it. xoxo