How far along? 38 weeks pregnant…39 weeks tomorrow! And in case you missed the 37 week bumpdate, we are in a NEW house! If you are a Birmingham local, make sure you check out Jamie Goff as a realtor. Make sure you let her know I sent you her way. 🙂
House Update: Our Storkland glider is here and I’m getting so excited to show you guys the finished nursery. The brand is Little Castle and it is SO comfortable. One of my best friends told me she is getting her chair for her living room from Storkland even though she doesn’t have a baby because they are so comfortable and a good deal compared to normal stores. We have just a few more finishing touches to put on the nursery and then I’ll show you our big reveal!
Our Tuft and Needle bed is here and TONIGHT our custom made tufted head board is getting installed. I found a GREAT deal on one from a local designer and if you are thinking about getting one, you have got to check out Lindsey. She hand creates these head boards for a fraction of the price you’ll pay with others.
We got a grill, which we are thrilled about! In our condo, we weren’t allowed to have grills so to say that we are excited about this easy option for dinner would be a vast understatement. Â Our cable and TV’s were installed this week as well, so it’s been a productive week!
Maternity Clothes:Â Yes, and a few non-maternity stretchy waist-band maxi skirts or wide leg pants.
Stretch Marks: Still none, thanks to Basq!
Sleep: It’s impossible to sleep comfortably through the night. I’m officially getting up every night now at least once or twice to go potty. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far without it being the regular to get up every night. It’s also hard to fall back asleep once the hubs gets up earlier than me to go to work.
Best moment this week: We hosted a “Get to Know Your Neighbors Hang Out” on our front porch on Saturday. It was so fun! We kept it low key and just put a sign out front on the mailbox telling people to swing by a grab a drink and meet us. We iced down some beverages and got to meet a lot of the friendly faces in our fun, new neighborhood! Everyone continued to blow us away with their welcoming manner and it was a nice laid back way to get to put some names with faces and to enjoy some time on a Saturday afternoon. We had a few people who had moved recently tell us they may steal the idea…love it!
Food cravings: Still just loving some cookies! One of our new neighbors brought some homemade cookies when she stopped by our front porch, so she may be one of my new favorite people, ha!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: boy…Leyton Samuel
Symptoms: Sciatic nerve pain still. Having more round ligament pain. I noticed it more today than I have in a long time for longer periods of time when I’m walking. Swollen feet and ankles. Swollen feeling all over, but luckily it’s not as bad as I’ve heard it can be for some women.
Movement:Â Lots of hiccups from little Leyton. Babies’ hiccups come pretty quickly and close together compared to our’s.
Belly Button in or out: Totally flat. Hope it stays that way!
Wedding Rings on or off:Â Had to take them off for the first time this week. They were getting pretty tight!
Miss anything:Â Feeling like I can move without restriction, more quickly and having my stomach back. I miss walking fast though Target to get stuff handled, spin classes, tennis, and runs. I just feel so slow and lethargic in everything I do!
Mood:Â Good! Eric and I feel overwhelmingly blessed and grateful that Leyton has stayed in this long and continued to develop and allow us to move to our new home, enjoy our beautiful baby shower and get settled before he makes his arrival. Thank you, God.
Baby is the size of: After an ultrasound on Friday at St. Vincent’s, baby is measuring at around 8 lbs, 7 oz. But according to my OB, there’s a lot of fluid, so she guesses that is probably measuring larger than what he actually is. My next appointment is Tuesday and after checking me, Dr. Christine will help me decide whether to induce this week!!!!!! or on my due date on Monday since technically Leyton is measuring large. It’s hard to believe we will be parents within about a week.
Looking forward to: Finding out what’s going to happen on Tuesday! Unless God has other plans. 🙂

So crazy to think you will be a new mommy so soon. Can’t wait to meet the little guy and see you!
I love you and your family.