I’m so glad you’re continuing to join me in this week of gratitude! (See the first post here!) Thanksgiving is always a great time to reflect on things to be thankful for, silly things included! It goes without saying that I am beyond amazed and blessed by my awesome family and friends, and I’ll share on that more later but as I look back over this year, here’s some things that are just plain fun that I’ve really enjoyed so far.
1. Be Thankful for Social Media: I know this might sound SiLlY, but I’m really thankful for Pinterest and Instagram. (Please come follow me if you have not yet!) I truly enjoy getting inspired on Pinterest with new Scriptures to commit to my heart that day, wish list building, ideas and growth platform research, and just connecting day to day and seeing what you guys like and what inspires you. I honestly find myself going to Pinterest as a search tool more than Google now when I want to feel inspired or find exactly what I’m looking for when it comes to projects, crafts, and recipes. As far as IG goes, it’s a great way to connect with you guys on a daily basis and just see what you’re up to!
2. Be Thankful for Coffee: I am spoiled at work. We have a Nespresso machine, a milk frother, and a Keurig! I must start my morning with a latte or coffee and trust me, if I don’t, you don’t want to be around me. I am a happy, peppy person and it takes a lot to get me down unless I just woke up. It’s by far my weakest part of the day, ha!
3. Â Be Thankful for Music: My husband and I truly enjoy music. One of my favorite things to do with him is have a nice glass of wine and listen to John Mayer, The Dirty Guv’s or Ben Rector. Music is such a great way to express yourself whether it be picking you up from a low day or as a way to bring back a memory. Music is definitely a must have for me each day. In fact, it’s one of the things I noticed I missed on our New Zealand vacation.
4. Â Be Thankful for Yoga pants: Being a fitness instructor, I pretty much am in some type of Lululemon, Splits 59, Beyond Yoga, or Karma workout gear everyday. I LOVE it. No longer do I think of yoga pants as a boring black slobby look, oh no! It can be a full out fierce outfit. I’ve got crops to full length, slim fit to flares and ranging in colors from white to hot pink. I’ve got side ruching, zippers, and all kinds of flare! I adore this cozy piece that I add on boots and a scarf to and call it an outfit. Done and done.
5. Â Be Thankful for Makeup: I can totally admit that I get lazy some days and don’t put on makeup, however I do LOVE to play with it. It’s so much fun for girls’ nights out or a hot date night to take your makeup from schoolgirl cute during the day to Foxy Lady at night! I always accept tips and Christmas gifts in the form of Sephora gift cards!
Please make sure you follow me on IG & Pinterest to keep up with all my silly favorites. Sometimes we get up in the big things and forget to be thankful for the small things. Let this be a refresher about all the little bright spots you have in your day! What are your favorite indulgences that you are thankful for?
*Note post has affiliate links included. Lululemon pants image via.