Today while I’m in NYC havin’ a blast with the hubs, I’ve asked one of my best bloggy friends Rachel to come over and hang out with y’all. She blogs at Running Backwards in High Heels and is a ton of fun. We geek out together over social media, fitness and outfits. 🙂 I asked her to share some running tips because…well I could stand to learn from her and I’m sure some of you could too. Here’s to running in this beautiful spring weather!
Hey y’all! I was so pumped when Heather asked me to come up with a guest post on some running basics for the beginner. First off, I’m Rachel at Running Backwards in High Heels. I have been married for almost 9 years, have 2 redheaded daughters,love photography, and am addicted to social media.
I started running as a bucket list item after having my second daughter, 5 years ago. Since then, I have completed 14 half marathons, 3 10K’s, 4 Triathlons, and more 5K’s than you can shake a stick at.
I’m going to share some tips to help you get started on your running journey! These were some things that I thought would be helpful, as they were things that I had NO clue about.
First up! Shoes. Yes, running is generally a cheap sport, but since your feet are what carry you across the finish line, you have to take care of them.. meaning, getting fitted properly for running shoes and getting good socks. Not regular cotton, either. Most running socks have a sweat wicking material.. Trust me when I say you do not want blisters on your piggies! While we are discussing feet… be sure to keep your toenails clipped or you will end up with bloody socks.
Second. Stay hydrated. I have always heard that if you take your weight in pounds and multiply that by 2, that’s how many ounces of water you should be drinking.. but since I live in the South, you actually need WAY more than that. I would say as a general rule, at least 100 ounces a day.
Third. Start slow! Rome wasn’t built in a day and you won’t be able to run a marathon tomorrow. I am a huge advocate of the run/walk program to get started. They have a Couch to 5K app and I hear it rocks!
Fourth. While form is very important, I think that it’s something that can be fixed later. Most of the time, your body will automatically fix itself to where it is running the most efficient. As you get faster, your gait will change and so will your stride, but the most important thing you can do when starting out is do NOT look down. Keep your eyes ahead. It will help keep your shoulders up and back and you won’t be so crouched forward.
This picture is horrible stride.. I have a terrible heel strike and I am looking down at the road.. don’t imitate this picture. 🙂
Fifth. Don’t be intimidated. There are a TON of fast runners out there, but I’ll tell you a little secret. Most runners are SUPER friendly and want to help others get started in a sport that they love so much. It’s all those endorphins. So, if you don’t want to run by yourself, find a group. Ask around, chances are, there will be someone around your pace and willing to run with you.
I hope you found these tips helpful! Just remember, running is just one foot in front of the other! 😉 If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message!
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