I am always looking for new, healthy things to try as you all know by now. So, today, I’m sharing 5 ways that I elevate my morning routine. If you were to walk in my kitchen on any given morning, you’d probably find me as you see in this photo…well, except for I’d be in my pumping bra, pumping. But for the sake of keeping it classy on the blog, let’s just keep me in my normal clothes for the photos. You’re welcome.
If you know me, #1 probably goes without saying…I have a cup of coffee in hand or on my desk about 4 hours out of the day if not more. #BloggerProbs
5 Ways to Elevate Your Morning:
- My morning is NOT complete without coffee. The potential health benefits associated with drinking coffee include: protecting against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, liver cancer, and promoting a healthy heart amongst others. It’s also known to drastically increase your physical performance in a workout! I typically make my to do list for the day while drinking my coffee so I am primed for a day of productivity.
- Get enough sleep. Y’all, I am notorious for being a hard and long sleeper. Thank God Leyton takes after me. I was a miserable human being to deal with during the first 6 weeks of his life, mainly due to the lack of sleep. I can sleep till 9 or 10 on a Saturday. I’m half way embarrassed to admit it and half proud. Getting enough sleep can aid in weight loss, improved memory, and less inflammation asides from just making you feel better.
- Due to said coffee habit, it’s a good thing I’ve incorporated Colgate Enamel Health™ Mineral Repair™ Toothpaste into my routine. Strengthening and repairing my enamel from everyday wear and tear from things like wine and coffee can be part of my daily personal healthy lifestyle routine. It provides protection against sensitivity and cavities with continued use, in addition to providing whitening and fresh breath benefits.
- Eat Breakfast. If you need some healthy ideas for breakfast, make sure you check out this list of my favorites I compiled for you! Breakfast hasn’t always been easy for me to incorporate as I’m running late, but I’ve found that if nothing else my stomach and slow brain can handle grabbing a banana on the way out the door.
- Be grateful. Eric and I always remind each other of the many blessings we have and find that it helps us get through tough situations. It turns out there’s scientific research backing up gratefulness. According to WebMD, thankfulness lowers stress, boosts immunity, and makes people tend to take better care of themselves. I even have a gratitude journal a dear friend gave me in my favorite turquoise color that makes me happy just to see it!
What would you add to this list? What healthy habits do you commit to every morning to elevate your routine?
Heather Brown helps busy mamas of young littles who are caught in the hustle to find encouragement in their journey to true health, from the inside out, starting with the heart. Read her journey of learning to live a life well-loved HERE!

my morning is sooo not complete without coffee, either!! i wish i could say i got enough sleep… but thank goodness for said coffee!!