Adoption was not something I understood at a young age. Nor would I have ever thought of myself as being open to adoption. However, over the past several years, I have had the tremendous pleasure of learning more about the adoption process and how biblical it is through watching two close friends go on the adoption journey.
One of our best couple friends who led our first small group at Brook Hills have adopted two precious little boys from Africa. One from the Congo and one from Uganda. Isaiah weaseled his way into my heart a few years ago and I so hope we have a little boy one day as energetic, cute, and fun as he is! I would highly encourage you to read their story HERE.
We have also seen another couple from our first small group walk through the adoption process but this time within the confines of the U.S. Seeing their faith in the process, and in God’s timing has been a blessing for Eric and I. They have a beautiful little girl named Emma Grace who actually looks so much like her mother.
It has been such a picture of the gospel to watch these two families go through the waiting, trials, and expensive process of adoption and I am so glad I have gotten to observe it up close.
“We adopt not because we are rescuers. No, we adopt because we are the rescued.” – David Platt
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. – James 1:27
And, now there’s a simple way during this fall season that you can help support adoption that’s also pretty fun! In 1990, Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s®, accepted President George H.W. Bush’s invitation to be the spokesperson for a national adoption awareness campaign. Just two years later, Dave established The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption® as a non-profit public charity with one primary goal: to help every child in foster care find a loving, permanent family.
Purchase a Wendy’s® Halloween Coupon Book for $1 at participating Wendy’s to support foster care adoption. Ninety cents of every $1 Halloween Coupon Book sold between September 13 – October 31, 2014 will benefit the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®. Coupons are valid for use: November 1, 2014 through February 1, 2015. This year, Wendy’s® aims to give $10 million to The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®!
I always love a good reason to splurge on french fries dipped in a frosty and if this isn’t one, I don’t know what is!
Visit your local Wendy’s® to purchase a Jr. Frosty™ Halloween Coupon Book* for $1, which benefits the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

What a great cause and I loved reading the adoption stories and seeing the beautiful pictures! What precious children! And, wonderful, giving parents. 🙂