Alright girl gang… who struggles to stay on track with their health goals on the weekends? 🙋🏻♀️ Keep scrolling for how to get $10 off my new favorite hydration hack: my favorite Adrenal Cocktail!
Does the weekend change of pace/schedules/rhythms make it challenging for you to…
- 1. get your steps in
- 2. workout
- 3. eat healthy
- 4. hydrate
- 5. fast
- 6. get good sleep
- 7. remember to take your supplements
What if we shifted our mindset and instead of thinking of the weekend as separate from the week, we approached it with the same discipline as the weekdays?
I love this little visual!👇🏼

Think about 3 healthy habits you can crush TODAY.
Y’all know how I feel about hydration… and the ONE HEALTHY HABIT that changed the game for my health game in 2023… which was to truly hydrate… with… SALT. 🧂
If you feel very “EW!” about just drinking salty water… or throwing back a pinch of salt… I HAVE A SOLUTION FOR YOU! 👏🏼 This adrenal cocktail!

This adrenal cocktail from Jigsaw Health is made WITH the high quality salt I love & can help with…
⭐️Supporting a balanced response to stress.
⭐️Supporting steady energy production.
⭐️Promoting immune system function.
⭐️Reducing bloating.
It has a light hint of orange 🍊 without being too strong.
If you’re looking for a yummy add-in to your water that isn’t full of sugar or carbs, this adrenal cocktail is perfect! It is full of clean, natural ingredients!
Plus you get ALL OF THESE for only $34 when you use my code HB10 for $10 OFF!
I threw this in my water as I was in-between podcast interviews all week & it was the perfect ZING & flavor to spice things up without derailing my health goals or consuming caffeine too late in the day.
And back to that mindset of CRUSHIN’ your health goals on the weekend… get ✨INSPIRED✨ from this week’s podcast episode with self-proclaimed GOAL NERD. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN!