Shop the Arms Challenge Post Here:
Hey girls hey! Happy Monday of the second week of our arms challenge! I’m glad to say I’m finally answering some of your most popular questions about my pregnancy. If you think of something else you’d like to know, please feel free to email me or leave a comment so I can tackle it in another post or at least get back to you.
Fit Pregnancy Q&A
- What bathing suits & dresses are you buying for this summer while you’re pregnant? -Mary LairdI did a whole bathing suit post you can see HERE! It includes maternity and mom-friendly options so it’s great for everyone, no matter your life phase. Fortunately, so far most of my dresses still fit but I do have some maternity dresses from Pink Blush and Isabella Oliver that I’ll be sharing more of soon.
- What resources do you use to prepare yourself for labor? Books? Resources? – LillyTo be honest with you all Eric and I did before we had Leyton was go to the weekend class our hospital provided. You can read about the 20 things we learned you should know before you have a baby here.Funny enough, right as I sat down to write this response a doula who I knew from college sat down next to me at a coffee shop so I asked her what she’d recommend. She mentioned these books:
- Active Birth – If you plan to go natural, she said this was a good one.
- Birthing from Within – Great for mental preparation!
- The Birth Partner – This tells your spouse, doula, etc what to expect when birthing (or you) to help them be prepared.
If you’ve never read Leyton’s birth story, I shared it HERE so maybe that will help to read as well.
- How do you deal with being so busy and having a toddler and this little person on the way? You always look like you’re well rested. -SarahFirst of all, how nice of you to say, Sarah! I’m glad it seems that way but as you can imagine that is not always the case. First trimester especially kicked my booty! I think that there are 3 key things that contribute to me looking well-rested and being upbeat:
- My Personality – Honestly I really do believe that God gives people different strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths is that I’m kind of like the Energizer bunny. Ask my hubs when he’s had a long, hard day at work and he may tell you it’s a weakness because I can drive him crazy, ha!
- Working Out – Endorphins are a major energy giver for me! I try to workout at least 3-4 days a week and when I can’t for some reason one week or we’re on vacation, I don’t beat myself up. If we’re on vacation, I just try to walk or bike or experience the culture in an active way if possible because I know it makes me feel good and more energized when I do this.
- I sleep a LOT when I can – I should probably be embarrassed to admit this, but my parents trained me from an early age to sleep in. In fact, my sister and I knew that if we got up before my parents we were NOT to wake them up but that we could go and turn on cartoons to watch in the morning. In first trimester when I was super tired, if Leyton napped, I would sometimes nap. And on my 2 days a week at home with Leyton and on the weekends, I sleep in. Eric is really supportive in letting me do this because he knows I’m a night owl and get a lot of my work done then when Leyton is sleeping.
- How has continuing to work out helped you during pregnancy? -NicoleAs I mentioned above, working out helps me have more energy. I know this may sound counterintuitive at first, but those endorphins really help me out! There are so many benefits such as helping to reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling. I have also heard it can help you sleep better and I certainly feel like it helped me bounce back quicker after having Leyton. Muscle memory is real, y’all! I remember in the third trimester with Leyton, I was so large and uncomfortable that sometimes the only thing that would make me feel better was going to a Pure Barre class or getting in the pool.
- What did you do first trimester to eat healthy? I feel nauseous in the mornings and have strong food aversions, but want to get the proper amounts of proteins and nutrients. – AmyThe struggle is real first trimester! I ate more fries, carbs and fast food than I’d like to admit, BUT my thought is that especially first thing in the morning I would just eat crackers to help settle my stomach so I wouldn’t feel bad all morning/afternoon long. Everyone is SO different. I’d try to find balance in eating the carbs when I felt bad in the morning or indulging in the Chick-fil-a combo at lunch but then at dinner would eat a salad with chicken or if a smoothie sounded good, I’d add in protein powder, etc. I’d highly recommend talking to your doctor as he or she will have great suggestions for you. The main thing is not to beat yourself up. You’re only pregnant so many times in your life, so listen to your body and try to feed it healthy things when it will allow. Your prenatal vitamin will also help you get the nutrients baby needs.
- What advice would you give to a couple that has been trying to get pregnant with their first for over a year now? I know God has a plan, just wondered if there was any advice out there from moms now. I know sometimes subjects like this or miscarriage are taboo. I just think more people should talk about it. Cause it’s real and can feel so lonely! -anonymousThis just breaks my heart. I feel completely inadequate to even speak to this because I have not experienced this myself but we do have several friends who have gone through infertility, miscarriages and other HARD life scenarios.The only thing I keep thinking about with this question is conversations, sermons and things that I’ve heard lately on seasons of waiting. Whether we like to admit it or not, most of us are waiting on the “next big thing.” Whether it be longing for a spouse, longing for a different job, the next promotion, a bigger house, or longing for a child, none of it is easy and unfortunately life here on earth is not promised to be easy. I think when women (and men) speak out to acknowledge this and point their hope back to Christ though it shows SO much to a world hurting around us.All I know is that typically when you are hurting the worst is when God draws near if you ask Him to. I also know that Christ has assured us that His timing is perfect, even when we don’t understand why. If you are reading this and you think that “other people” at the top have it all…that they’ve reached their peak and can’t want for anything, I’d encourage you to watch this clip from (Superbowl winning, married to a supermodel) Tom Brady where he says, “There’s got to be more than this.”I am so grateful you guys share your lives with me and I’m so grateful you trust me. Know that I pray for you when you ask and that I know many of you are hurting. Life isn’t perfect and life is hard. I love you and am grateful you are here for encouragement and hope I can provide that as best as God allows me to through this meager mind and body. Love y’all!
I’m obsessed with you guys checking in with me, Jess at Happily Hughes and Veronika over at Veronika’s Blushing to show us your workouts by tagging us on Instagram or even just shooting us a message to tell us how sore you are.
We are right there with you…sore and happy, haha! 😉 It just means we’re making a difference in our bodies and getting stronger, right?! If you missed the start of the 30 day arms challenge, you can head back to last week’s post and start with us now…it’s not too late!
Arms Challenge Week 2:
Day 1 – 3 sets of 15 push-ups (knees as modification), tricep dips & side shoulder raises (25 reps if no weights used)
Day 2– 3 sets of 10 burpees, 40 seconds mountain climbers, 40 seconds star jumps
Day 3– 3 sets of 15 bicep curls + bent over reverse fly (palms face in, go back and around) +3 Point Plank with 15 seconds on each one (Left, center, right) and Wacky Jacks
Day 4 – Rest
Day 5– 3 sets of 15 push ups + 3 sets of 15 tricep dips + 3 sets of 30 seconds see-saw planks shifting your weight forward and back
Day 6–3 sets of 10 burpees, 3 sets of 30 second straight arm planks with feet jumping out and in, 3 sets of 30 seconds jumping jacks
Day 7– 3 sets of 15 wide shoulder presses + Elbows at 90 degrees, holding at the bottom for scapular squeezes + Push-ups + Tricep Dips
What are your favorite arms challenge workout moves? I’d love to hear in the comments below!
Shop the Arms Challenge Look: Lululemon Shorts // Onzie Molly Peephole Tank // Blue Nike Shoes // Sunglasses // Necklace // Socks