
Baby Finn is 2 Months Old!

Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones

Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones

Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones

Baby Finn,

You are SO chunky, little boy. Every time I post a picture of you on social media we get dozens of comments about your sweet little rolls and how much you make the ladies swoon. 😉 I am in awe of how you are the EXACT opposite of your brother with weight gain. If you look back at Leyton’s 2 month old pictures he had started to get “A” leg roll but you are covered in rolls from neck to wrists and everywhere in between. I almost fell out at your 8 week shots when they told me you weigh over 15 lbs!

Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones

I’ve heard from a few people that you look like a heftier version of your brother when he was a baby and several people have said you look like your daddy. All I know is those chunky thighs and heavy baby weight have my name written all over them though! I was a HUGE baby and my nana called me her little prize fighter, HA!

Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones

Your Grandma DeeDee and Big Curt have come to meet you and visit twice this month! We keep you on the go between keeping up with your brother’s hyper toddler needs and your momma practicing to teach Pure Barre reform and squeezing in work photo shoots and such. Bless your little baby heart for being drug all over town with intermittent naps.

Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones

At night you love to take a cat nap, hang out with us at the dinner table, swing in your swing and many times be held while we all hang out on the back patio and grill our dinner. Leyton loves to hold you and when he does he’ll want you to hold his hand, mainly because I showed him the baby reflex to grab a finger. He also loves to narrate to us “Baby Finn’s eyes are open. He wants his “fier” (for pacifier) or he yawned!”

Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones

You love going on family walks and we’ve even dipped your toes in the pool already when it was really hot outside! We meet up with friends like Ashley and her little girl Lizzie for Leyton to play with a lot and you enjoy riding in your stroller and cat-napping or fussing along the way, ha! We are so glad you go with the flow with us. I make sure to reward you with lots of snuggles…can’t stop, won’t stop with those sweet little boy!

Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones

If you missed Baby Finn’s one month old update, you can see that HERE or his BIRTH STORY HERE!

Baby Milestones by Month: 2 Month Update

  • Sleep: You usually sleep from about 10 pm till 6 am, wake up for a feed and then fall right back asleep and then I’ll get you up at about 9 am. We haven’t bumped up to the next Moms on Call schedule because this time frame is working well for us right now with getting Leyton the attention he needs/bedtime etc. The Moms on Call bedtime/bathtime routine, sound machine and topping you off with milk if needed (this was more frequent earlier on) to make sure you are full are working like a charm!You moved out of our room (in the rock ‘n play) this week (9 weeks) into your nursery in the rock and play! We transitioned Leyton the same way and it worked well so fingers crossed, it stays the same way with you. We’ve started making you nap in the rock ‘n play WITHOUT the motion so in a few more weeks we can transition you into your crib.
  • Eating: I mean, I think the rolls speak for themselves. Your appetite is much like your mama’s…voracious! We typically feed you 5-6 oz when we give you pumped milk and you eat every 3 hours during the day.
  • Bath Time: Still one of my favorite times of day with you. You’re such a good sport about water on your head and I love the way you cock your little head all around as your daddy or I talk to you.
  • Strength: Your doctor says you have good muscle tone and you are always trying to hold your head up on your own unless asleep on our chests when we hold you.Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones
  • Loves: Being held…if you aren’t eating or being held, you tend to fuss! Being wrapped up in your Ollie swaddle (you look like a little seal), movement in the stroller or car, bath time, your penguin wubanub or Ryan & Rose paci or as Leyton calls it your “FIRE”, your Fisher-Price swing, the Boppy lounger or Snuggle Me Organic to hang out on the couch with mom and dad, EATING.
  • Clothes: You are wearing 0-3 months and 3 months clothes already, holy smokes! Wearing size 2 diapers.Sharing Finn's Second Baby Milestones by Month by Heather at MyLifeWellLoved.com // #twomonthsold #babymilestones
  • Weight: You weighed a little over 15 lbs at your 8 week appointment! Ummm, yeah, you are in the 95th percentile!
  • Nicknames: Finnster, We can barely say your name without Baby in front of it…we think it’s because your big brother always says Baby Finn. Daddy and I also like to sing your name in a little sing song voice, “Baa-aaby Finn”

SHOP Baby Finn’s Favorite Things This Month HERE:

Heather Brown helps busy mamas of young littles who are caught in the hustle to find encouragement in their journey to true health, from the inside out, starting with the heart. Read her journey of learning to live a life well-loved HERE!

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