I’m so excited to be over here at My Life Well Loved! I met Heather at a blogging conference hundreds of miles away from home, only to find out we didn’t live to far from one another. We’re swapping posts today, so be sure to check out the delicious recipe she is sharing on my blog today, as well.
I’m Jennifer and I blog at Life In The Green House. Don’t be confused, green because it’s our last name, not because our carbon footprint is smaller than the norm. I blog about our family, DIY projects, home decor, recipes, and everything in between.
Today, I have a fantastic recipe for you, that I know you’re all going to love. Because there is bacon involved. And who doesn’t love bacon, right?
One of my favorite traditions is Christmas morning breakfast. My dad always cooked for us on Christmas morning, and my grandparents would come over and eat breakfast and see all of our fun things that Santa left the night before.
When we had our daughter and she really understood what Christmas was all about, we decided that we’d like to start a tradition of staying home on Christmas. I’m open to whatever my family wants to do the entire month of December, but on Christmas day, we stay home.
So, we just changed the tradition and invited everyone to our house on Christmas morning. It works well for everyone, and I love that we’re all together on Christmas, but no one is rushed to get ready and interrupt the fun of Christmas morning.
One of my favorite things to cook for breakfast is a breakfast casserole, especially when we have others in our home for breakfast. It’s quick and easy and always satisfying!
This Bacon Breakfast Casserole is hands-down, my favorite!
You can click on over to this post and get the full recipe! I hope you love it just as much as we do. I’ve been known to cook this for no reason and eat it for breakfast all week! It’s seriously SO good! I hope you try it out.
And tell me, what’s your favorite Christmas tradition?

I love everything about this post. 🙂 we chose to do the same. The casserole looks amazing.
I’ve never made a breakfast casserole, but this looks delicious! Anything with bacon is a winner for me 🙂