Be still. That’s not an easy task for me. I love being busy, and my type-a personality thrives off of being productive. My mind can spin in a million different directions at once and many times I find myself planning, worrying and mentally detailing how each thing “should go” without consulting God on what the real plan is.
All the life changes happening around me are a bit overwhelming right now. We are having a baby, Eric started a new job, and we are searching for a house. The housing market in Birmingham right now is slightly insane. We have gotten ready to put multiple offers on different homes to find out they’ve been snapped up already, gotten outbid, and just been waiting on the timing to be right with Eric’s job transition.
As I was scrolling through Instagram the other night, a dear friend’s post came up and it stopped me mid-scroll. This is what I saw:
My friend wrote underneath it, “And so it was that God’s people entered their new home. And they didn’t have to fight to get in – they only had to walk. With some life changes that are up and coming, some stressful, some rewarding; but change none the less…it hit home with me tonight when I read the above out loud. It’s such a great reminder that God has everything under control. We don’t have to do anything: not fight, just walk.” This was from her daughter’s story bible.
I immediately clung to that hope and peace that we have as believers that God has provided a way for us to rest in Him. It also made me think of the verse, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 What a reassuring thing to take to heart in seasons of change. Eric and I’s prayer is that God will continue to close the doors that need to be closed and to open the doors that need to be opened so that we end up in the right home and neighborhood. We are hopeful for a home where we can raise our family in a fun and nurturing environment and meet others to do life with. We hope we can use our future home to entertain, share in fellowship and to raise kids who know fun and know how to love the LORD with their whole hearts.
At the end of the day, if that happens now or 5 months from now, it will be ok. Our guest bedroom looks like a baby store threw up in it with piles all over our desk and book shelf. We don’t have our furniture or decor yet, but that will come too. In due time. And I keep trying to remind myself of that daily. I hope this post is reassuring for some of my fellow type-A people out there. You’re not alone! Trust in Christ, and trust in being still.

Amen to that…..and amen to it being hard! We all want to get things done in our time, and in our way. I still struggle with being still and waiting on God to answer and to show me what He has for me. Thank you for sharing this passage with us!
It’s so true! 🙂 Thanks for your comment. And here’s to us all dwelling on this truth as needed!
I know how hard it is to want to be in control and want everything to fall in to place and internally struggle when things don’t go as I plan or think they should. This is a great post and I love the new look of your of MLWL.–Buffy
I need your help, can you spread Finn’s story for me.
A 5 month old boy born with a heart condition had open heart surgery in April, he had complications and has been in the hospital ever since. Read more on facebook at Prayers for Finn
He really is the happiest baby & has won my heart.
I have put together an instagram auction to help raise money for his medical bills. @prayersforfinnauction #prayersforfinn
please post a photo of Finn and tag @prayersforfinnauction so that your readers can check it out. It will be June 25
AMAZING shops have come together in donations and now as bloggers its our responsibility to spread his awareness.
Thank you so much
xo, Michelle