Top // Mom-friendly shorts // Shoes // Earrings // Leyton’s Shirt
Photos: Casey Marie Photography
It’s booty challenge, week two! Did you get in last week’s workout a few times as well as the other co-host’s workouts?! I hope so. I heard from some of you that you were sore for days, LOVE it! (DON’T forget to head to last week’s post to enter to win the $100 Carbon38 gift card giveaway as well! It ends in a few days.)
This week’s challenge is to get out and get active with your kids. Some days when I have Leyton and I can’t get to Pure Barre or Homefit isn’t scheduled, I’ve just got to get it in while I can. I want to encourage you that working out doesn’t have to be a whole long process. In fact, if you are playing with your kids, it may not even feel like a workout.
Many times when I’m out playing with Leyton I may not even be in my workout clothes, but I’m still getting in more than I think by picking him up, chasing him around, swinging him in my arms, etc. Some days we have to have grace with ourselves and remember that if we were up and active with our toddler, that’s enough. We are enough right where we are. If you are being intentional with your thought process about how you are being active, the actions will follow more than you may even think!
Depending on which toddler mood we are facing that day, Leyton either loves to join in on the action (and does “pushups” with daddy or likes to sit on me for weighted crunches) or literally pouts and turns that day into a rest day for mom and/or dad. #ToddlerLife
Here’s a week’s worth of Mom Workouts you can try this week!
Mom Workout Ideas:
Day 1: Simply get out in the yard and play! You can chase each other around (sometimes I’ll run sprints in our backyard and Leyton thinks it’s great fun to chase me), shoot a game of hoops or practice on t-ball skills depending on the age of your children.
Day 2: Workout with your baby! Use my 15 Minute Mom & Baby Workout video and you can involve your baby or toddler for added weight if they want to cooperate that day.
Day 3: Rest day, this may include a simple walk around the neighborhood with your child.
Day 4: Do a quick workout while your baby plays at the park, maybe even using the park equipment:
Stand on the edge of a playground step or wooden stoop and do calf raises parallel, internal and external. 20 seconds each way.
Squat press with your baby if they’ll allow it. 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks 30 seconds
Walking lunges across the yard or playground. 30 seconds
Wall Sit against a park bench or other piece of equipment for 45 seconds.
Repeat 2-3 times.
My SPF swimsuit coverup // Leyton’s swimsuit // Sunglasses // Earrings
Day 5: Head out to the pool and get some splashing and kicking in. Be mindful of how you are moving. Don’t just stand still in the water by the baby float. Lift up baby, press them up in the air, do calf raises in the water. If your child is secure, stay next to them and hold onto the edge and flutter kick your legs. Find a way to make it active for you and baby in and around the pool water. Of course, safety is always first! Read these tips we’ve used with Leyton if you have questions.
Day 6: Head to the gym with a friend and use their childcare. Yes, I said it. It’s not terrible to leave your child for an hour or so to go workout and do something for you. In fact, you may find that if you give yourself that hour, you come back MORE refreshed and prepared to take care of your son or daughter. The YMCA has free childcare up to two hours, so go with a friend and enjoy some time for you, momma!
Day 7: Grab the stroller and go for a run! This is one of the easiest ways to get in a workout with your child. I try to reward Leyton 90% of the time with ending our run at a park so he can get out and play. It’s fun for he and I. Many times we’ll talk on the walks about nature, I’ll pray out loud with him, and sometimes I’ll listen to a podcast. I’ve done stroller runs as long as he’s been able so he is pretty used to it by now. 🙂
Don’t forget to pop over and join my co-hosts to get more booty challenge mom workout inspo!
Happily Hughes
Walking In Memphis High Heels
Positively Oakes
What other workouts do you do with your baby or child? I’d love to hear your favorite mom workouts in the comments below!