Welcome to week 2 of the booty challenge! Since I’ve been beaching it up, today’s post is going out a bit late. 😉
If you missed the start of our booty challenge, it’s not too late to jump in! Start with our Week 1 booty challenge workouts HERE! Happily Hughes and Nashville Wifestyles & are teaming up with me again this week to share fitness inspo and workout wear that you won’t want to miss!
Shop the Booty Challenge Post: Beyond Yoga Ombre Leggings in Maternity and Non-Maternity // Adidas Tank // Sunglasses // Leyton’s Nununu Shirt (ON SALE!) // Leyton’s Nike Shoes // Leyton’s Shorts
Booty Challenge Week 2:
Day 1: 20 minute HIIT- Sprint/speed walk 1 min and walk slowly 1 min. Make sure this is done on a hilly surface!
Day 2: 20 squats, 20 lunges, 20 kickbacks, 2x:30 wall sits
Day 3: 20 minute HIIT- Sprint/speed walk 1 min and walk slowly 1 min. Make sure this is done on a hilly surface!
Day 4: REST
Day 5: 20 regular squats, 20 sumo squats, 20 sumo deadlift high pulls, then 3x exhaustion squat holds with pulse
Day 6: STAIRS! 20 minute HIIT of stairs. You can sprint up and walk down, lunge up and walk down, bunny hop and walk down. Mix it up and burn that booty!
Day 7: REST
How are you feeling during the booty challenge? I’d love to hear in the comments below!