As always during this series, I’m teaming up with Nashville Wifestyles and Happily Hughes to bring you our workouts and this week, we have a SPECIAL treat for you because we have a $200+ value giveaway at the bottom of this post so make sure you enter to win!
If you are just seeing this, don’t even sweat it! You can start now on week 4 and go back to those or start from week 1 and take it at your own pace.
Booty Challenge Week 4 Workout:
Day 1: 30 minute HIIT- Sprint/speed walk 1 min and walk slowly 1 min. Make sure this is done on a hilly surface!
Day 2: 30 squats, 30 lunges, 30 kickbacks, 3x:30 wall sits
Day 3: REST
Day 4: 30 regular squats, 30 sumo squats, 30 sumo deadlift high pulls, then 3xexhaustion squat holds with pulse
Day 5: REST
Day 6: STAIRS! 30 minute HIIT of stairs. You can sprint up and walk down, lunge up and walk down, bunny hop and walk down. Mix it up and burn that booty!
Day 7: REST
Shop the Booty Challenge Post: Beyond Yoga Ombre Leggings in Maternity and Non-Maternity // Adidas Tank // Sunglasses // Leyton’s Nununu Shirt (ON SALE!)
To celebrate the end of the booty challenge, Jess, Ashley and I are teaming up to gift you gals a Fit and Pretty Giveaway because strong is beautiful! The $200+ value giveaway includes a $50 Sephora gift card, Orgain protein powder, Mac makeup, and other beauty faves like rose bath bombs, masks, skincare and more! To enter to win, use the rafflecopter widget below!
Shop the Booty Challenge

How wonderful! I just had surgery a few days ago and this would surely cheer me up. Thank you so much for the chance to win. I would be over the moon thrilled!