Lululemon Top // Lululemon Pants // Pink Nike Shoes // Sunglasses // Photos: Casey Marie Photography
It’s the 4th and final week of the booty workout series! How did you do with the squats challenge last week? If you haven’t gotten to it yet, no worries, feel free to tackle it this week or pick up where you left off!
Today I want to talk to you about pushing past your comfort zone. For some of you that may mean going to the gym or a new workout like Pure Barre that scares you. For some of you that may mean doing sprints, and for some of you it may mean trying out a different kind of booty workout than you typically do!
Pushing past your limits is that moment in a Pure Barre class, when you don’t think you can hold the bend in your knees for 10 seconds more but you push past it and get through it. It’s the moment you debate whether you should really get outside and run, but push past the mental road block and do it. Or you pick up your keys and head out the door to go to the gym for the first time in 5 years. The hardest part is showing up and getting started, I promise!
Pick up your calendar and write down a goal for this week or write down a workout schedule. It will help you be accountable to push past the limits of what your mind or body tell you can do. Maybe you want to even write in this quick booty workout series:
Butt kickers (Run kicking yourself in the booty to warm up)
Glute Raises-Come to your hands and knees, soft bend in the elbows. Lower the straight leg down and lift back up, 30 seconds, bend the knee, heel to seat, pulse up, 30 seconds, trace a rainbow with the leg, tap, up and over to the mid-line, tap up and over to just outside the hip, leg straight pulse up, 30 seconds
Squats-1 minute
Walking Lunges down and back where you did the butt kickers
Hip Bridges-1:30 minutes
Repeat 2-4 times
I want to encourage you this week to see where pushing past your comfort zone takes you! If you need a push in the right direction, try one of these workouts from the first three weeks if you haven’t yet:
One exercise change up I’ve used to push past my comfort zone in the past year has been doing tabata routines or plyoga occasionally with Homefit. I really like them a lot so if you haven’t done one yet, I’d highly encourage you to go try my 15 minute tabata video or Laura from Walking in Memphis in High Heels’ routine today!
Well, I say I like them a lot but to be honest, I dread them at first. But when they are done I’m so glad I got it done! It’s such a great feeling of accomplishment to be pouring sweat and owning the workout.
Don’t forget to pop over and join my co-hosts to get more booty workout challenge mom workout inspo!
Happily Hughes
Walking In Memphis High Heels
Positively Oakes