SHOP Our Santa Family Photo HERE: Earrings // Booties // Black Denim // Jacket // Sweater // Leyton’s Sweater // Eric’s Shoes // Finn’s Shoes // Finn’s Vest
Dear Leyton and Finn,
Four and one sure are fun ages to experience Christmas with! We had a blast watching the way each of you took in the wonder of Christmas 2019. This year was a little different because baby Finn got diagnosed with Hand Foot Mouth on Christmas Eve Eve in the afternoon.
It must have been divine timing that the advent Bible study I did that morning was on how joy is not found in temporal things and how we can have joy despite our circumstances. I am so grateful for our Savior who came to earth to make a way for us to have joy beyond the earth’s standards. I know there are so many hurting families, friends, and sick people during this season and it’s still hard none the less. BUT at the end of the day I know that Jesus coming to earth to bring us freedom and a way to God is the ultimate gift and all we could ever ask for and MORE!
Finn’s sickness knocked out being able to go to the Christmas Eve service, Burn and being able to see family on Christmas Eve. Your daddy worked on the Thursday before Christmas through the weekend and even on Christmas Eve so we had a lot of mommy and boys time!
We made ginger bread houses, put up Christmas window clings, visited with friends, watched Frozen for the first time, baked our Peanut Butter Blossoms and delivered Christmas cards and cookies to the neighbors. I was so proud of Leyton trying cookie dough for the first time and being willing to roll the cookie dough in sugar for our Peanut Butter Blossoms- major sensory win over here!!
Leyton, you are SO very proud to show mommy and daddy your mother’s day out art work each day at the end of the day, proudly pulling out your latest Christmas craft to show us! I love how proud you are of each item you make and I loved going to your class room for your Christmas party so you could show me all your favorite crafts you’d made + eat yummy cookies. 😉
Christmas 2019 Morning Pics
Baby Finn, you were NOT the biggest fan of Santa this year…you are in the major stranger danger phase, ha! You SCREAMED and cried and it made for some epic santa pics which I love, ha! The highlight of your Christmas was going to Starbucks Christmas week and having the Starbucks barista give you a cup of whip cream. IT. WAS. EPIC. in every way… your delight in it, the mess, your daddy’s reaction…all of it!
I loved matching you guys in our Christmas jammies this season. My favorite memories every year of us going to go look at lights in our Christmas Jammies while listening to Christmas music. Christmas 2019 proved no different. 🙂 We got “Chick-A-Way” and lived our best Christmas lives oooohhh’ing and ahhh’ing over lights till Finny started crying out of sheer exhaustion and had to head home.
On Christmas, we had a full day that started with opening gifts (highlights were the new train we got to go around the Christmas tree & the Santa requested cat boy car (PJ Masks). Leyton you say “oooh, ahhh ahhh” when you’re excited right now and pick up your “happy feet” in the cutest running man little motion which you did some of on Christmas morning!
We went on a family walk (it was SUCH beautiful warm weather) and met outside with neighbors for mimosas + gulf shrimp/fish (quite the random but awesome combo!) and playing outside with new toys!
After that, we headed home for the Finnster to nap, to make Eric’s famous mashed potatoes, deviled eggs and cleaned up for Mackey family Christmas at Aunt Holly’s house. Loved seeing Baby Cal for his first Christmas in his cute little Santa onesie.
We enjoyed tons of yummy food, Leyton chasing Tucker around, too many gifts and watching Leyton decorate sugar cookies while Ares watched anxiously under the kitchen island. Sadly, baby Finn tucked away most the day to nap and stay away from everyone just in case he was still contagious from hand foot mouth.
Overall, this year I just can’t believe how much bigger you seem Leyton! You are stretching out so much and it’s the first year you haven’t called Rudolph down the street “the fox” and wanted to kiss him every day. Cue the tears… (see last year’s letter for details). When I asked you your favorite part of Christmas this year you said, “Decorating all this stuff.” Love making memories with you buddy…from our Star from Afar to decorating the tree. You’re the sweetest!
And baby Finn, you relished Christmas with your usual gusto. I love you both dearly as does your daddy! We feel beyond blessed to be your parents and create these memories with you every day but especially during the Christmas season.
Love you forever and always,
Mommy <3
Brown Family Letter – Christmas 2019
Dear family & friends,
This marks the 5th year of the Brown family Christmas card. While this letter is often a labor of love, it is something Heather & I love to do in order to share a little bit more about our family (as if Heather already does not do enough…love her) & this past year.
For Heather, that meant continuing to form relationships & grow the community that is My Life Well Loved. She and our family have been blessed with fellow co-workers who have helped make MLWL be a place where people can share their successes (or struggles) whether it be with their families, fitness goals, faith or even find a good deal every once in a while.
As always, Heather manages to balance one of the busiest schedules with her #1 role & priority of being the best mom to Leyton & Finn. (Dang, he made me sound good. ? It’s always a learning process over here! ?)
This past year, Finn (AKA Baby Finn, the Finnster, & Babyzilla) met a lot of milestones including bumping his head a near record 22x in one day. In all seriousness, he is A LOT to love & has a personality that matches his size. Leyton turned 4 this year & continues to grow and try new things. Some of his favorite things this past year were playing soccer, any and all activities with Mommy & micromanaging his little bro (I wonder where he gets that from, as I look in the mirror).
Imitating the snow man
For me, I continue to be a part of the Cardiovascular Associates team as an adult acute care nurse practitioner. As always, I feel privileged to have a job that not only values the work they do for others but also the work they do for their employees.
Shop the Christmas 2019 Outfits: Amaryllis Apparel Green Shirt // Jeans // Booties // Victoria Emerson Bracelet // Leopard Scrunchy Hair Tie // Leyton’s pants // Leyton’s camo shirt // Finn’s Outfit
I like to end these letters with a general theme or thought from this past year and for Heather & me, as it has always been, it is truly about the small things in life and how to truly appreciate the small blessings we have. This past year has helped me realize how precious a brief conversation can be with a loved one or just how important it is to be present & share a common experience, valuing each minute. Once again, we feel so blessed this Christmas and Holiday season and we wish nothing but the best for you and your families.
Merry Christmas,
Eric, Heather, Leyton & Finn Brown