Day 36 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Monday, April 20th
Eric and I enjoyed a date day walk on a trail + golf course! We found a new beer we like called Abita Straw Gator. We watched Disney Sing A Long with the boys, which was so cute!
I did a Burn workout social distancing with neighbors and the kids played on scooters/bikes in the neighborhood while the parents got to enjoy some social distancing chatter.
I chose Fit Five Meals to keep it easy for dinner while Eric is on night call this week… such a weird schedule!
To finish the day off I had a late-night zoom work call till 11:00 pm, yikes! I’ve been feeling so scrambled that I can barely remember things I’ve talked about the day before at this point! Do any other mamas out there feel the same?
DAILY RESOURCE: Fit Five Meals is a go-to resource for me that I use on a weekly basis. They deliver fresh, pre-made meals right to your door. They have been a huge reason why I’m able to keep on track with FWTFL and try to stay a little healthy, lol! Use my code MYLIFE15 for 15% off your first order!
Day 35 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Sunday, April 19th
It poured rain all day and night except for about 1.5 hours when we escaped for a family walk. Then we came home and did chalk a bit and face timed family members to check-in!
I got to BREAK OUT for the weekly grocery run to Target + treated myself to Freddy’s unsweet tea. It was like a little slice of Heaven getting to pump my music and see people in Target. I even ran into a few “Burn Sisters”.
Yeti // Chargers // Rope Wrapped Vase // Swoon Margarita Mix
DAILY RESOURCE: The other day on stories I whipped up a simple and quick margarita. Since we can’t get our favorite drinks out anymore, I wanted to share with y’all a yummy recipe you can easily make at home! All you need it a salted rim + over ice + a shot of tequila + this delicious mixer + lime! Cheers friends!
Day 34 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Saturday, April 18th
Today I took the boys for a walk down to the creek and I was so proud of Leyton for braving crossing the water on the rocks! Getting fresh air makes such a difference in my mood! But I’m definitely missing people, and feeling a bit down.
CALIA Sports Bra // CALIA Shorts // Iconic Protein // Leggings // Workout Gloves // No Show Socks // Amino Energy Pre Workout // Tanks // Yoga Mat
DAILY RESOURCE: My athletic must-haves went live on the website today. These are perfect for your at-home workout. And you’ll also be able to use them once we can all get back to the gym!
Day 33 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Friday, April 17th
I was able to see a few friends while still social distancing and it was good for the soul. I did my backyard Burn online workout and felt pretty normal today, which was a blessing.
I treated myself to a McDonald’s coffee and of course a large water. Getting to drive by myself in the sunshine was surprisingly FABULOUS! A true treat!
Double Stroller // Leyton’s Construction Tee
DAILY RESOURCE: I know your plans for upcoming trips may have been canceled or changed. One day we will be able to travel again, go to the pool, park or lake. That’s why I shared a roundup of my favorite CALIA swimwear! These suits are all mom-friendly and great to chase your kiddos around in the backyard or at the pool.
Day 32 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Thursday, April 16th
On tap for me today: taking walks (while reminiscing on days we could actually stop at the park), cracking dino eggs, snapping up the hair growth deal I shared in stories, & burnbootcamphooveral workouts! Thankful for all this sunshine! What was the highlight of your day?
Mindware Dino Eggs // Stride Rite Shoes
DAILY RESOURCE: Looking for something new to watch on tv? I rounded up the Best Family Movies And Shows On Netflix + More!
Day 31 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Wednesday, April 15th
Some moments I feel… “On top of the world!” Well, let’s be honest- that’s probably only during those 5 mins I’m slurping down my coffee protein shake!
It somehow makes the 500th question in 2 minutes from my 4-year-old & the constant fussing from my 19-month-old slightly less dagger eye inducing… if you’re a mom, you know the look! Hang in there sister-friends!
Curology // Supergoop SPF Sunscreen // Makeup Travel Case // Aquafor Lip Protectant // Oil-Free Eye Make-Up Remover // Bioderma Makeup Remover // Indian Clay Healing Clay // Purity Facial Cleanser // Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Cleanser // Makeup Eraser // Self Tanner // Modere Liquid Biocell Skin– Modere Liquid Biocell Life – Use PROMO CODE 6125535 for $10 off your first order!
DAILY RESOURCE: With all this time at home, now is a great time to add a few items into your skincare routine to up your game, mamas! Sometimes taking an extra five minutes in the morning or at night can help you refill your battery just enough to make it through the next moments!
Day 30 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Tuesday, April 14th
Real Talk: Did you have a good day with your kids today or a hard one? I think it’s ok to say we had a hard day. Or to have a good day and not get any shame for it. Many times the homeschooling mom who looks like her day was perfect on FB experienced an epic meltdown after that picture-perfect moment. Give yourself some grace and remember tomorrow is a NEW DAY!
And if you had a great day, embrace it! That’s awesome! Please remember to be KIND to one another in your DM’s and social media interactions as well. The judgment and assumptions I’ve seen in these past few weeks being thrown around at others and even at me have been sad to experience. We have to lovingly respect each other in the way we parent, quarantine and struggle because we are all human and that’s what makes all our differences so interesting and UNIQUE! Thank you Jesus for that unique gift!
Nutribullet // Iconic Protein // Starbucks Blonde Roast Cold Brew Coffee // Amazon Reusable Silicone Straws // Amino Energy // Olive Tree// Coffee Maker
DAILY RESOURCE: Get a caffeine kick and a protein punch with this delicious coffee protein smoothie recipe! It’s a goodie, y’all!
Day 29 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Monday, April 13th
Eric and I got lots of little home projects taken care of today from installing shelves with Bluff Park Designs in my office, to planting in our front porch pots! We also got started on putting away Easter decor and we rearranged our living room/kitchen decor. We also started Cleaning out the garage! And of course we ate lots of leftover Easter food. Yum 🙂 I started the new Lion King with the boys and they both shockingly sat still for 30 mins to watch cuddling with us which was so nice. I ended the day with a Bible study zoom call, it was a great Monday, I used my printable list to help know where to get started on my own list of things to do!
DAILY RESOURCE: Sick of being at home and not sure what to do? I’ve got a full list of the Best Things To Do When You’re Stuck At Home! Download it, print it out, and start checking things off sister-friends!
Day 28 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Sunday, April 12th
This year brought us a rainy quarantined Easter. But Easter nonetheless! We snuck in an egg hunt yesterday before the rain hit, watched an online church service and made my traditional banana pudding today. Yum! But what really matters is the same every year… HE IS RISEN! Luke 24:6
DAILY RESOURCE: If y’all haven’t tried this Banana Pudding Recipe, you’re missing out! It’s AMAZING and a total crowd pleaser!
Day 27 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Saturday, April 11th
Even though this Easter doesn’t look as we had planned, we are still making the most of it! I’m hoping for sunny skies, watching church online, setting up fun decor, an Easter egg hunt, and local take-out to keep things simple!
DAILY RESOURCE: This Clean Eating Black Bean Soup Recipe is delicious and satisfying. I can whip it up in a snap and I almost always have all of the ingredients on hand!
Day 26 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Friday, April 10th
Happy Good Friday friends! How bizarre it feels to be prepping for Easter without family plans, not planning on going to church and being in quarantine.
Today I went to go #supportlocal and pick up a ham from a restaurant that then turned into a wild goose chase to find out they had an error on their website and that we really have to come back tomorrow to get the ham, lol. But at least I got to drive for more than 5 minutes to a grocery store and there was beautiful weather to enjoy I guess.
Eric and I have decided to keep with our banana pudding tradition and still do an Easter egg hunt in our backyard. We will watch church online and finish Leyton’s Easter Egg Story about the empty tomb.
Today was spent working on workout video brainstorming, a Burn workout in the backyard, a few try on’s and shooting content.
DAILY RESOURCE: Do you want to give back to your community but you’re not sure how? I’m sharing all the Best Ways To Give Back To Your Community During Coronavirus.
Day 25 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Thursday, April 9th
For Eric and I, date day has become quite different now. We basically go to the grocery store together to get our once a week groceries and then pick up a lunch to go to support one of our local small businesses. We usually eat lunch outside if it’s nice. We are cooking in and eating more leftovers than normal and I made myself a task of cleaning out the freezer and making a list of what all we have so we can cook from that for a little while.
You know it’s weird times when going to the store and picking out more junk food than you’re used to sounds like the highlight of your week. We did also enjoy some good family time tonight hanging out on our back porch while the boys ran around, listened to music and ran and laughed with them. Finn is SO cute at this stage running and tripping and trying to keep up with brother.
We also called around to several local businesses trying to find someone doing an Easter ham and it was shockingly hard to find! All the ones we called either decided not to offer an Easter special this year, you had to have your order in by last weekend or they were sold out. We finally found that Real & Rosemary had a mustard glazed ham and placed that order for this weekend. I plan to make my famous banana pudding this weekend and we’ll do an Easter egg hunt for the kids to try to keep some semblance of normal. BUT so sad not to meet at church or see my whole family. I’m just thankful we still have a reason to celebrate that Easter, He has risen!
DAILY RESOURCE: If you’re anything like me, you may be finding it hard to adapt to this new schedule or lack thereof! My sweet friend guest hosted on the website to share her Daily Routine Schedule!
Day 24 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Wednesday, April 8th
Today I got dressed, and then changed into 8 more outfits to shoot workout videos, try on’s, an IG live with @hairandmakeupbyak, a podcast interview and recipes for y’all! I only had a few things to do today, ha!
Is anyone else find yourself craving to do something that feels “normal?” Speaking of changing clothes, I shared the best and comfiest finds on the website today!
DAILY RESOURCE: Since we’re all staying home, we might as well stay comfy right? I put together a roundup of all the softest, coziest, and easiest-to-wear pieces that might make staying home feel a little bit better.
Day 23 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Tuesday, April 7th
Eric was off work today and was able to play golf for a bit. Unfortunately Finn woke up in a MOOD and sadly I think we’ve already hit the tantrum two’s a bit early. YIKES! He screamed at me for no apparent reason for about 45 minutes. Lovely timing being quarantined and all. #facepalm.
The kids played outside in the water table and I worked out to Burn FB live video. We went on a family walk as the rain was starting and then hunkered down for a low key day having coffee and working off and on between kiddo and family stuff. I even enjoyed an afternoon coffee sitting with Eric on our back porch watching the rain come down.
Tonight we had small group via Zoom call which was refreshing. I’ve definitely been burning the midnight oil lately. Tons of work has been keeping me up till 1 am and 2 am most nights because I just can’t fit it all in with the kids at home so much right now. BUT it’s all good and hoping to get to bed by midnight tonight. Fingers crossed.
DAILY RESOURCE: On days like today when I am juggling between work, kids, and trying to get a conversation in with Eric, easy dinners have been saving my booty! This easy sweet potato nacho recipe is DELICIOUS and SO SIMPLE.
Day 22 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Monday, April 6th
For sensory play with the boys, we did a dino and car wash ‘tivity on the front porch while I squeezed in a workout. Gotta get it in someway ladies, am I right? THANK YOU Jesus for 80+ degree sunny weather that allows me to workout outside and get a good sweat in!
I hopped on IG LIVE to do a booty workout with y’all which was a lot of fun! In the afternoon I went on a walk with the boys and had a “science class” talking about worms, ha! Boy mom life! I’ve been loving watching the boys play together at their water table while Eric and I play with them or have a drink in the back yard. Again, thank goodness for the nice weather.
In the evening we had another neighborhood cheers while still practicing social distancing! I can’t believe we are now finally amidst the states under shelter in place but it doesn’t really feel that different than what we’ve already been doing.
Container // Kinetic Sand // Sand Toys
DAILY RESOURCE: I’m sharing all my FREE at-home workouts for mamas in one place! Look no further for a new workout to try.
Day 21 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Sunday, April 5th
Today we have played with chalk outside, listened to church online, played out in the beautiful sunshine and I got to work on my meal plan during naptime for today’s #conqueringquarantine challenge! Do y’all meal plan?
Chalk // Sunnies // Leopard Watch Band // CALIA Sports Bra
DAILY RESOURCE: Check out my FREE meal planning printable HERE! Download it, print it out, and get ready for your week!
Day 20 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Saturday, April 4th
Today was the hardest day I’ve had so far. I don’t know if it’s that Alabama finally enacted shelter in place yesterday, that I had something canceled I was looking forward to all week, Eric is working in the hospital all weekend or that I’m extra hormonal right now or perhaps even a combination of all of the above but today was my cry day.
The boys and I met up with my parents for a social distancing walk in their neighborhood. On the way there, I reminded Leyton that we don’t hug or touch anyone and that we were so excited to see Mama Mackey and Grand Mackey that I wanted him to remember to still keep his distance.
Well, when we got out of the car, he wouldn’t even make eye contact with them at first. They spoke to him and he buried his face in my leg. He’s only 4.5 and all this is way too much for him to comprehend. I’m sure it’s overwhelming to him in every way and he doesn’t know how to get it out.
The good things that happened were jamming to WayMaker while making banana bread with baby Finn, a good one on one walk with Leyton, and getting to see my parents and walk with GREAT almost 80-degree weather. Life is weird right now, man. I am missing my people, my routine and stability in schedule. BUT, I’m thankful for great neighbors and sunshine BIG time right now!
DAILY RESOURCE: Get that booty in gear with this booty workout that I filmed a while ago, missing the ability to workout with friends the way we used to! *Please note: this photo and video were taken BEFORE social distancing was in affect. We are both taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe at this time.
Day 19 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Friday, April 3rd
I got to clean out the boy’s toys in the playroom/my office. WOW what a transformation! Getting that accomplished was a huge thing to check off my to-do list.
Is anyone else really noticing that your grays are growing out? No, just me? Ha! The grays are real right now, friends. Also my right eyelid is almost bald of my lash extensions and I’m having some hormonal breakouts, so that’s fun! Oy!
I’m definitely nervous for Eric to work all weekend and Monday, I’ll be praying for any of y’all who have spouses still going to work! Hang in there, friends.
DAILY RESOURCE: I am starting a list of free or discounted resources for our frontline heroes. If you know of any other discounts or freebies I should include nationally or here in Birmingham, please let me know and I will add it to the list.
My next door neighbor got ON Cloud running shoes 50% off by live chatting their customer service team on their website and showing a picture of his badge. ON Cloud just updated their page and you can get your shoes 50% off HERE using the code HealthcareHeroes_50.
If you want Fit Five Meals healthy pick up meals (who has generously helped us with meals for the Frontline Heroes Bham efforts), they are offering all MLWL community members a discount with code MLWL15.
Day 18 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Thursday, April 2nd
Today was a family day before Eric heads into work for the weekend. We walked to a green space and played and brought drinks and enjoyed a nice day outside together. The weather has been so nice here, what’s it like near you?
Today was also my day to get tons of work squeezed in trying to get ahead before Eric works all weekend. Phew!
Amazon Designer Dupe Sunnies // Camo Tank
DAILY RESOURCE: Want to mix up your at-home workout routine? Try this feel the burn ab circuit!
Day 17 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Wednesday, April 1st
Today we went on a “Drive-Thru Zoo” car ride with Leyton and Finn which was so much fun! I gave Finn his #quarantinecut- ha! My friend Lindsay taught me how to cut hair thank goodness. Of course I worked out with 2 neighbors on a FB live from Burn boot camp with lots of distance between us. Hey, it’s better than nothing, right?
To end the day we had a Happy Hour zoom call after bedtime with some fellow Birmingham blogger friends to learn about email marketing which was so fascinating. I also got to try FitVine Pinot for the first time. Spoiler alert: it’s delicious.
At the top of my to-do list today was to film for my first coffee, cozies & cocktails launching tomorrow to help us stay entertained and learning new things during quarantine!
Did you see that we launched our 30-day #conqueringquarantine calendar today? I’ll link everything below so you don’t miss out on anything!
DAILY RESOURCE: This quarantine calendar is a great way to keep yourself on track and productive throughout the day- even if it’s only one small task! Make sure you complete the daily challenge, share it on stories and tag me so I can see. Make sure you use #conqueringquarantine! I’ll be hosting several surprise giveaways so make sure you stay tuned!
Day 16 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Tuesday, March 31st
Today and yesterday have been weird days. Someone in my zoom small group call tonight said that as a nation we are all grieving together for the first time in our younger generations. First we went from denial to anger and now for some of us it’s kind of settling in and the days seem LONG this week for some reason.
I have heard SAD stories, DM’s from some in this community who have family or friends with CV and hard things happening on top of all this. Some of it has been too much for my heart to bear and so I’ve cried for the first time these days.
On top of that, Eric has been told his work schedule is changing again but they don’t know to what yet and so there’s just another uncertain thing thrown into this time. I’m trying to mentally gear up for this weekend of him working and me with both boys without visiting my family at all for a walk or help.
I am SO grateful for my daily workouts with social distancing with neighbors at times because being able to do the same workout in our back yards and air high five has been life-giving. As an extrovert, this is getting next-level hard and weird.
The video of people singing Waymaker at hospitals around the country to encourage nurses and doctors and the Frontline Heroes meals we as a community are helping to provide are a HUGE encouragement to me. Trying to stay positive. I still have SO much to be grateful for!
1. Color Sorting Bears // 2. Weather And Month Calendar // 3. Mini Muffin Count Set // 4. Paint Markers // 5. Phonics Dominoes // 6. Mindware Seek-A-Boo Game // 7. Imagination Magnets // 8. Clock // 9. Matching Letter Game // 10. Daily Calendar // 11. Daily Schedule Pocket Chart // 12. Responsibility Chart // 13. Arts and Craft Organizer
DAILY RESOURCE: I know that transitioning to homeschool life has been a huge learning curve for all of us mamas. This roundup of the best homeschooling essentials from Amazon hopefully will help make your new normal a little bit easier.
Day 15 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Monday, March 30th
Today included high highs and low lows. This may be the first time I’ve cried over this whole thing. And it somehow seems selfish. I don’t know anyone personally with it and in fact, Alabama has very minimal cases compared to the rest of the nation.
I started the morning with a great high energy AB workout on IG live, dancing, and then all of a sudden I had several people come to me to dump their burdens and vent…
Which don’t get me wrong- I feel honored they felt safe enough to do that with me – but it made me feel helpless.
A lot of times I feel extra pressure to be on or happy as an enneagram 3 with my personality type and I frequently hear the phrase “what’s wrong?” Even if I’m just more quiet or subdued than normal.
But my brain, heart and emotions are all trying to catch up on all these things too!
THIS TIME IS HARD, y’all! Whew, deep breaths. Excuse me while I go stuff my feelings down with some coffee and work. BUT really I should stop and do my devotional, BUT really I should go do my overdue deadlines, but really I should clean up my train wreck bedroom and bathroom to take the stress off Eric. God bless…..
All I can say is, in these uncertain times, the one certain thing we can rely on is the Lord. Hold tight to that truth, sweet friend. And don’t stop believing in yourself and your abilities! We have got this! We are in it together. MUCH LOVE to each of you! Praying for each of you daily.
DAILY RESOURCE: All this time spent at home is a great opportunity to start working on bible memorization with your kids. I shared some bible verses your littles can learn.
Day 14 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Sunday, March 29th
Today we had church online and kept it pretty low key. We did some sidewalk chalk out in the sun which felt great. Have you seen Shake It Birmingham, AL with her sidewalk chalk challenge?! It’s designed to keep people in your neighborhood encouraged while everyone is out walking more! You can leave some fun bible verses and messages to people walking by.
Is anyone else feeling tired today, or is it just me? I slept in until 10 am which was much needed. Have you gotten a chance to get a few extra hours of sleep?
Chalk // Sunnies // Leopard Watch Band // CALIA Sports Bra
DAILY RESOURCE: Join in this fun sidewalk chalk challenge for you and your kiddos. This can also be a great way to incorporate learning bible verses!
Day 13 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Saturday, March 28th
I allowed myself to have my first Diet Coke from McDonald’s in forever!! And boy, was it good. I was so excited to get out of the house and go through the drive-thru and then sit in the Target parking lot with the boys while Eric ran in to grab groceries.
We set up our second weekly Zoom call to play Settlers of Catan. This is such a fun idea to do with friends, our friends we played with even leave in a different state! In the afternoon I did a Pure Barre workout via video in the backyard. Our next-door neighbors set out a slip-n-slide from Target. So Eric and I lathered up in sunscreen and played some country music and enjoyed the sunshine which was so much fun!
Watermelon Slip and Slide // Finn’s Swimzip
DAILY RESOURCE: Even though I treated myself to that Diet Coke today, I’m still trying to stick to my healthy eating habits, as well as FWTFL. It can be hard being home all day long and not snacking constantly! Stock your pantry with healthy snacks with this Healthy Shopping List From Amazon!
Day 12 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Friday, March 27th
Today I did a Burn workout outside with one of my neighbors (we stayed across the yard from each other the entire time)! We had fun because The Hoover Sun requested to come to video us doing a workout to share about social distancing, and how the community has rallied around each other and found ways to still connect at a safe distance.
It has been unseasonably warm in Birmingham, over 80 degrees! We set out a slip-n-slide and we’ve been taking turns with the neighbors using it. Tonight we went to Tres Luna and got curbside pickup as our way to support a local small business that we love! After that, we decorated outside of Burn on the sidewalk and the windows so that the next morning when the trainers come in to film their live videos, they can see it and be encouraged! This was so cool!
DAILY RESOURCE: Are you cleaning everything in your house every chance you get? Me too! That’s one of the things I was doing while my sitter was here, lol! Since stores are still sold out of cleaning wipes, I shared a DIY Homemade Antibacterial Wipes recipe HERE!
Day 11 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Thursday, March 26th
I did a workout while the kids ran around today, phew! I chose to do a Pure Barre live Facebook workout which I loved.
Our next-door neighbor’s little boy just turned 6, so she organized for a bunch of friends from school and church to do a drive-by birthday. A bunch of people dropped off balloons and had banners hanging from their cars which were so sweet. It was so cute to watch everyone so we set out on the porch and watched the whole parade go by! That was really fun entertainment for Leyton to see as well!
DAILY RESOURCE: Sometimes I feel like I’m running out of ideas of things to do with the boys while I’m home with them. Do you ever feel that way? That’s why I put together this MEGA LIST of Free Educational Resources For Kids! You’ll never get bored with these ideas!
Day 10 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Wednesday, March 25th
Today had some really good high points but also some spinning-my-wheels-frustration points. I can tell I have not been in the Word the way I like to be.
The highlights of the day included going on a walk with both my boys! Leyton decided to take off his shirt because he was “too hot” like mommy when I took off my pullover. He looks like such a big boy walking shirtless through the neighborhood. But then he asks me the 14 millionth question on block 1 of our walk and I’m quickly reminded, “Oh yeah, he’s only 4!” LOL
Wednesday is my major content creation day for the website so I spent time filming several videos to submit to brands for approval, several stories for try on’s, and spent time writing a bit on a big project I’m working on.
I also finally compiled my idea with Lindsey Lutz to help healthcare workers and I’m so excited about it. I hope you’ll join us in this effort: please see info below!
Don’t forget that you can support our frontline heroes by donating to the Venmo account named “FRONTLINEHEROES”. The money raised will be used to provide lunches for healthcare workers who are working on COVID floors. Let’s join in and help take care of the people who are working tirelessly to take care of everyone else. I will be donating personally myself, AND I will be donating a percentage of the sales I receive from y’all when you shop through my links! Together we can take care of the healthcare community!
DAILY RESOURCE: Need a quick workout to do at home? My friend Lindsey Lutz and I filmed a booty + legs workout that you can do right now! *Please note: this photo and video were taken BEFORE social distancing was in affect. We are both taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe at this time.
Day 9 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Tuesday, March 24th
Eric and I went to Costco and picked up a few necessities and that was our first time to go there in about two months, and our third grocery trip in the last 4 weeks. Costco was out of all the wipes, hand sanitizer, and all the cleaning essentials.
It was a relatively nice day yesterday so I worked out to a Burn live workout with a Zoom call which was very interesting and I appreciated doing it in that new way.
We met with our small group via Zoom last night for the first time in two weeks and decided that we will start implementing that in just to have some sense of community still, which I am appreciating.
DAILY RESOURCE: I’ve actually started involving Finn in sensory play at our house! Leyton has been loving it for a while, but it’s never too early to get your babies involved as well. See these 6 baby sensory activities in a snap.
Day 8 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Monday, March 23rd
Today we went on a family walk and then I walked/ran with a neighbor (6 feet PLUS apart of course) & I’ve loved the nostalgia of seeing everyone out in their yards and walking as a family. We’re taking lots of precautions and using hand sanitizer all the time.
DAILY RESOURCE: Did you know you can make your own DIY Hand Sanitizer? I shared a recipe in this post HERE. It’s quick and easy and you can make your own when your stores are out of stock!
Day 7 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Sunday, March 22nd
We played Settlers of Catan via Zoom call with our friends in Colorado, Kent & Kelley and it was so much fun! We’re definitely gonna have a repeat. I worked out to a Burn recorded workout with a neighbor (6 feet PLUS apart of course) and used our curb as our “step” for half burpee ledge hops! We made hamburgers from Butcher Box and served it with a simple bagged salad from Target.
DAILY RESOURCE: Butcher Box is a stand by for our family. I get my chicken, beef, and even salmon from Butcher Box! I highly recommend trying it out, especially if your stores are currently sold out.
Day 6 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Saturday, March 21st
Anyone else’s car needs to be vacuumed and washed? Lol, same! I’m taking this time to get little things like that done. So I ran by the car wash and also used the vacuum… so much better!
We practiced our social distancing from a house apart tonight with 4 neighbors in a row! It was a block “happy hour”, we were yelling from yard to yard at each other lol!
Lots of time was spent playing with the new mini golf set Eric got with the boys
We’ve also been having watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse and having slow mornings, but there’s usually always a walk involved in the day, and almost always a Burn Bootcamp workout video online! So thankful for those in this season.
DAILY RESOURCE: This was such a fun activity to do with Leyton! Check out how I’m teaching Leyton about germs with this experiment.
Day 5 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Friday, March 20th
I did my workout today with baby Finn and a Burn video. I went to World Market and Starbucks drive-through which felt surprisingly normal. World Market was empty except for me and a few employees which was bizarre. I went to scoop up Fit Vine while it was on sale and used hand sanitizer pretty much every time I touched something. Eric saw this post from Mary Payton Davis on Facebook and he completely agreed with it. She says, “For those of you that do not know me very well, I currently work in cardiology at UAB. I want to be upfront and honest about what is going on. We are currently experiencing the calm before the storm.
I have had some of the scariest conversations I hope to ever have in my lifetime. UAB is currently in war mode. We have canceled all elective cases. We are discharging patients as quickly as possible. We are trying to make beds – not because we have patients to fill them, but because we WILL have patients to fill them. We are decreasing the amount of staff in the hospital in the hopes of resting up the soldiers to help fight the war.
When you think of China – they were under a COMPLETE LOCKDOWN. They have had 81,000 cases. We are going to have this number by the end of the weekend if it continues to trend in the current direction — and it hasn’t even hit yet.
Think of it this way – when a large facility begins to shut down in preparation knowing they are losing MILLIONS of dollars a day – that is a scary thing. They are doing this all to prepare for something we cannot see, but know is coming. So if you want to help, stay home. Tell your kids to stay home. It’s coming.”
DAILY RESOURCE: I’ve been loving Fit Vine Wine because it fits in with my FWTFL program. Have a glass of wine without sacrificing tomorrow! Learn more about my low carb days in this post HERE.
Day 4 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Thursday, March 19th
This was my day with the boys and we did kinetic sand and a shamrock hunt! The boys loved the shamrock hunt (I mentioned that in my Tuesday journal), I highly recommend it! Simple and fun!
DAILY RESOURCE: Leyton loves his ‘tivity time. This post shares A Toddler Sensory Activity With Everyday Items In Your Home.
Day 3 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Wednesday, March 18th
I recorded a ton of content for y’all, I went live and challenged everyone here to do 100 crunches today. I also decided will try to go live each day and do one workout move & Bible verse and or health tip each day together! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Y’all are sending me the best IG live suggestions, please keep them coming if you have any requests!
Rounded up some of the best outdoor activities to do with your kids today that are great for sensory play & little inquiring minds. I hope it helps bring you new and fresh ideas to keep your kids occupied and having fun!
1. QWIXX // 2. Sequence For Kids // 3. Jump-O-Lene // 4. Play Sink // 5. Make Your Own Soap // 6. Star Tent // 7. Slack Line // 8. Toss The Burrit0 // 9. BANG // 10. Pop Up Crawl Tent
DAILY RESOURCE: From ball pits to burrito games, I found so many engaging and fun filled Activities For Kids Of All Ages.
Day 2 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Tuesday, March 17th
I met in the backyard with neighbors with a six-foot PLUS distance in between us to do an online burn boot camp workout video together. My next-door neighbor had a birthday so we said “Cheers” to her with our husbands (from their yard to our yard) after the kids went to bed. I’m sure that must have been such a bizarre birthday for her!
During dinner time, we watched Frozen 2 with the kids and Eric prepped to go into the hospital for the first time. I’m continually praying the Lord gives him and his coworker’s protection, endurance and wisdom.
I’m loving the shamrock in the front windows ideal for St. Patty’s day! So genius! Have your kiddos draw, color and decorate a shamrock. Then hang it in your front window so it’s visible to someone from the sidewalk or road. Take your littles on a walk or ride and search for other shamrocks in your neighborhood! This can be a fun thing to do out of the house and still helps people feel connected.
DAILY RESOURCE: Are you curious to know what the fellow MLWL girl gang has been purchasing during COVID-19? I was as well, so I’m sharing what y’all have been purchasing as well as what I recently stocked up on! Check out these social distancing essentials to keep you sane.
Day 1 Of Our Coronavirus Quarantine: Monday, March 16th
We went to the park and saw two neighborhood friends at a far distance. The kids played in the creek and walked around. We had to explain we couldn’t play tag, touch each other, get close, or even hug goodbye — which is really hard to explain to a 4-year-old.
I think it will give me some mental clarity and perhaps even emotional support for me to journal each day of Coronavirus. Some way to get my thoughts on paper and write out my prayers for our family, friends, and world. I am expectant to see the Lord work mightily in my heart over these next few weeks and months.
DAILY RESOURCE: Today I made my simple 2-Ingredient Crockpot Salsa Chicken! This is great for those days you don’t have the mental capacity to follow a bunch of steps. Just throw it in the crockpot at the beginning of the day and forget about it until dinner!
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