UPDATE: I started full-time blogging in February 2017. You can read about that daily schedule HERE.
I get lots of questions weekly about what it looks like to be a blogger. And, yes, it is SO much fun. It truly is. I love my job as a professional blogger, but believe it or not a LOT of work goes into it. People often ask me how I have the time to do this, but the truth is, I don’t watch much TV and this is my hobby, turned business. So, while most people watch Netflix or garden or whatever it is you do, I blog. I thought for fun today, I’d give you a sneak peek into what my day looks like.
My days can vary drastically from day to day depending on what day of the week it is and what work, blog, and consulting projects I have going on. Currently, I work from home on Tuesday’s and Friday’s. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, I have a fabulous babysitter who keeps little man for me so I can go into the Jamie Goff Real Estate Team office and teach Pure Barre. The hubs also works 7 days on and 7 days off so that also can drastically change my schedule.
7:00 am: Alarm goes off
7:01 am: Check for urgent emails, respond to any pertinent social media comments, blog comments, etc
7:10 am: Breakfast, Coffee needed!
7:15-7:40: Makeup (if I have time), brush teeth, Pure Barre clothes on, briefly review PB class I’m teaching
7:40 am: Get Leyton up, grab bottle/his food and milk for the day, diaper bag, purse, computer bag, lunch, computer charger and look like a pack mule as I head to the car
8:00-8:15 am: Drop off Leyton at babysitter’s
8:45 am: Get set up at Jamie Goff Team office and see what’s coming up for the day
9:00 am: Check to make sure scheduled blog post went up and schedule social media posts for the day for the blog
9:15 am: Arrive at Pure Barre to teach 9:30 am
10:45 am: Leave Pure Barre and head back to the office to work for a bit, grab an early lunch
12 pm: Take noon Pure Barre class if there’s time
1-2:30: Work at the office
3:00: Pick up Leyton, run errands, talk to clients/boss/Home Grown Bloggers partner Kirsten while in car–Sidenote, if you have thought about starting a blog or are a blogger, please come JOIN US for our Home Grown Bloggers Learning Summit in Birmingham THIS Saturday, 9/24. BUY TICKETS HERE!
3:30/4: Put Leyton down for a nap and finish working on work projects
4:05 pm: Starving!! Take time for a snack.
4:00-6:15 pm: Finish up work and check in intermittently on the blog/blog email/check in on advertisers and clients
6:15 pm: Hubs gets home from work. We either go for a walk, head up to the pool for a bit or play with the baby on the patio while we grill out.
7:00 pm: Eat dinner
7:30 pm: Baby bath time/feeding/story time
8:00-8:30 pm Leyton goes to sleep
9:00pm-12/1 am: Spend 1-2 hours working on upcoming post whether it be editing photos, inserting links into posts, writing the post, researching popular hashtags, catching up on my favorite bloggers’ posts to support them, checking in with clients to make sure posts have all requirements, optimizing posts for SEO, scheduling social media for said posts. Answer email…I usually get anywhere from 20-50 emails in a day from the blog alone. (Also, I typically catch up on anything for my real estate job I didn’t get to during the day whether it be editing photos, scheduling social media, or answering emails.)
10:00 pm: Oh shoot! Did I forget to post to Instagram? Need to go do that!
11:00 pm: Dang it! Remembers I have a photo shoot in 3 days and needs to make shot list for myself and photographer, pull out all outfits, accessories and shoes for me and Leyton. Corral all products brands have sent me in the mail to make sure I have them ready to shoot as needed.
11:30 pm: Gets email reminder that I need to send in an invoice to brand which then reminds me I haven’t recorded my business expenses and income report for the week so need to do that.
12 pm: Pitch 5 new brands and or bloggers about collaborations to keep getting the My Life Well Loved brand known and out there.
1 am: Oh my gosh! How is it 1 am already?! I have got to go to bed. Brush teeth, shower, and check social media before bed. Lights Out.
Although this is a pretty accurate portrayal of the small day to day things, I think Positively Oaks did such a good job explaining blogger life in more detail, that I’d love to have you check out her post: What it’s Really Like to Be a Professional Blogger.
If you ever feel that life on my Instagram or blog looks picture perfect, don’t be fooled. I have chaos, forgotten tasks, and baby messes to clean up too. I just don’t capture them and put them on my pretty space of the blog and IG. But, if you follow me on my Instagram story or snapchat (@mylifewellloved), you’ll see some of my chaos and know you’re not alone, sister. Motherhood and being a working mom is hard!
What does your day to day look like? Do you get up earlier than I do? Stay up later? I’d love to hear in the comments below.

ooh this was so interesting! i love reading about what other bloggers’ days are like. i have to say i love being free to set my own schedule.. the only thing i miss is having coworkers and lots of other people around on a daily basis!
I love this!! People really don’t understand how blogging is a FULL TIME job! So much work goes on behind the scenes, and pretty pictures and Instas are just a fraction of what we do.