Texting and driving. You’ve done it, I’ve done it, and it doesn’t make it right. This is always such a touchy subject, and I hate that it is. Everyone just assumes they can text something back “real quick” and it will be no big deal.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), of the nearly 33,000 roadway fatalities in 2012, there were 3,328 fatalities and approximately 421,000 injuries in distracted driving-related crashes. And THAT is a big deal.
Unfortunately, I can admit that I’ve texted while driving, been scrolling through my music, or even checking a Facebook notification and looked up just in the nick of time to throw on my brakes. Over the past several months, I’ve been much more intentional about putting my cell phone in my tennis bag or purse so that when it rings or makes a notification noise, it’s harder to get to and usually I can’t hear it over the music.
It’s sad how easy it is to want to look down and skim or read over emails and other items that can wait! Seriously my life and others lives around me are much more valuable than me knowing what the latest email says! Make sure you discuss Decide to Drive with your loved ones to encourage safer driving habits.
What do you do to avoid distracted driving?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

I am really guilty of txting and driving! But to stop myself I just turn up the music and concentrate on the road 🙂 Thanks for spreading the word!
Don’t know if you’ve seen that new driving and texting PSA but it is a great deterrent!
I am adamant about not texting and driving. I keep my phone in my purse, which is in the back seat. If I absolutely MUST send a message while driving, I use the talk to text feature so my hand stay on the wheel and my eyes stay on the road. I also have a shortcut text that say “Driving, will text back when I am stopped”
I refuse to respond to my phone unless it is ringing, I might answer it, but no texting or reading texts until I stop. It’s not worth it and whatever the message is, it can wait. Thank you for posting this! We all need the reminder – better to wait than take a chance on taking a life or losing yours.