I think of myself as a very loose runner, meaning that I don’t do it that often but when I do I can enjoy it for a bit. AKA the Derby Dash 5k is about all I can muster these days. I trained for a half marathon in Knoxville a few years ago that kicked my butt on all those hills. Honestly, after I finished it I’d never felt worse after working out. I literally struggled like a grandma to get out of the car afterwards. I have no desire to run that long again. The more I read about running and how bad it is on your joints to run such long distances, the less I want to do it! However, when we have perfect spring and fall weather outside, I catch myself wanting to get out and run just to be out. If I can’t find anyone to walk or play tennis with, I gear up with some music and hit the pavement for a few miles. I ran my first 5k in a year 2 weekends ago with Pure Barre for the Derby Dash to benefit a team ministries. a team ministries is a non-profit organization that supports families of children with pediatric cancer spiritually, financially, and emotionally. This non-profit is based here in Birmingham by a family who has dealt with pediatric caner in their own family. Several of the kids and their families who have benefitted from a team were there and it was so sweet! If you feel lead, please give to them in any way that you can. This was the second annual Pure Barre 5k and we had lots of fun despite the super hot temps. Yes, I do realize those temperatures will feel like child’s play in a month or so…We were rewarded afterwards with some delicious food from Urban Cookhouse. So yummy! I’m super thankful that Ann Wade Parrish Photography was there to snap some fun pics from the day’s events. She sent me some of the ones of me running which was so nice. Here’s the hubs and I pre-race. I’m so thankful he came out and did the 5k with me. Well…when I say with me I mean that he came out. My pace is much too slow for this guy. 😉
Here’s my running crew: Haley, Kristen, & Erin.
I know very little about all the proper running techniques, but I have learned to not clasp my hands really tight when running, to not look down, and to try to keep my posture up and tall with a slight lean forward. What other running tips can you suggest?

If you ran the same Knoxville half that I ran a few years ago, I totally know those butt-kicking hills. The only suggestions I have for running are to have fun with it. Once you stop having fun with running, then it isn’t really worth it. (I get burnt out from time to time. I try not to take myself so seriously at times, just to avoid the burnout.)