Looking for a last minute Halloween costume? Don’t want to spend the money on a nice new one or take a lot of time and effort to create your own? Perfect! I’ve got just what you’re looking for: a quick and easy Rosie the Riveter costume. To learn more about Rosie, check out the
History Channel’s profile on her. I wore this Rosie the Riveter costume on Saturday night for our 2nd annual Halloween party and loved it. It was by far the most comfortable and warm costume I’ve worn in a while. Ready to do your own version of Rosie the Riveter costume? Great, let’s get you started!

Here’s what you’ll need for your Rosie the Riveter costume:
For this costume, I bought one item– the denim shirt I wore. I could have easily gone to Goodwill or borrowed one from a friend but I’ve been wanting a chambray style shirt anyway so when I saw this one from Target, I knew it was worth the purchase for my costume and everyday wear! I borrowed some Old Navy navy blue pants, boots, lipstick/ liner, and a bandana to pull this Rosie the Riveter costume together.

I did normal foundation base, neutral eye makeup, dark
cat eye black liner on my upper lid,
lip liner &
lipstick that stayed put all night from Mac for my face. Then we just pulled up my hair in a simple twist and tied the bandana on top. I lucked out because my friend Bryan is in the military and let me borrow his American flag emblem to put on my sleeve. See? Easy!

Oh and just in case you were wondering….yes, that’s my hubs dressed up as a cop from Reno 9-1-1 so there’s an easy costume for your guys if you need one too!
What are you dressing up as for Halloween? Or, if not you, how about your kids? If you choose to go for my Rosie the Riveter costume, please let me know, would love to see it!!

If you’d like some other ideas, make sure to check out my Where’s Wenda costume ideas!
**If you’re here from Pinterest or want more fun ideas from me, please follow my boards here! Sharing is caring, please PIN THIS. 🙂
Heather Brown helps busy mamas of young littles who are caught in the hustle to find encouragement in their journey to true health, from the inside out, starting with the heart. Read her journey of learning to live a life well-loved
What a cute and easy idea! love this! You are so pretty!!!
Thanks so much, Neely!! I loved doing this costume…had a lot of fun with it.
LOVE this costume on you!! 🙂 And that last photo with you and your hubs? Adorable! 🙂
Weeee! you are so sweet. Thanks so much! 🙂