The #1 most asked question after I announced our pregnancy that didn’t have to do with how I was feeling or how far along I am was about my dress. I’m SO SO glad you guys loved this romper/dress as much as I do.
Since y’all had so many questions about it, I decided to include some similar dress and romper options below for you as you’re packing your spring break bags and looking towards Easter and fun spring date night options.
You may remember that when Leyton was in my belly I did weekly pregnancy updates, so I’ve decided to bring those back for Baby Brown #2 so I can keep everything documented here. Plus I figure that some of you who are also pregnant may find this information useful to see how others are feeling along the same path as you. So, keep reading to see my fourteen weeks update + some spring lace dress and romper ideas similar to my dress to help you transition into spring.

Spring Lace Dress & Romper Ideas:
Fourteen Weeks Pregnant Update
How far along? Fourteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 10 pounds…..this may be the only time I answer this question. ?I am gaining so much faster this time around!
Maternity clothes? Not yet! But I have already eliminated my favorite mom jeans from my lineup as I can’t fit in them once my belly expands after 5:00. SO interesting how it gets bigger each night.
Stretch marks? Not yet, I am starting using creams this week though! More to come on that in Monday’s post.
Sleep:Â I am still pretty tired. I sleep so hard right now (well, and to be honest, usually!). I sleep in and nap any chance I get.
Best moment this week:  Seeing healthy baby on the ultrasound. 🙂
Movement:Â No
Anything making you queasy or sick:Â Just first thing in the morning until I eat, I feel queasy. CanNOT handle eggs in the morning. That texture, yuck!Gender:Â Don’t know yet
Labor Signs:Â No
Symptoms: Tired and frequent potty breaks. Nauseous some mornings if I don’t eat enough.Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood:Â Ready for energy to be back and for this cough to leave!
Baby is the size of:Â Lemon
Looking forward to:Â Â Beach trip in 2 weeks!