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We are super excited to come to you with our gender reveal announcement today! It’s a…BOY!!!! And, in case you missed our post a few weeks ago, then yes, I am pregnant…haha, 18 weeks in fact!
This pregnancy has been quite a bit different than when I was pregnant with Leyton in the fact that we found out we were having a boy with him at about 8 weeks! In fact, Leyton’s pregnancy announcement also told the gender! It feels so much more real for some reason when you know the gender of the tiny human growing inside of you.
Our sweet baby was trying to suck his thumb and moving all over the place in the sonogram this week which was so fun to see! Now we get to start dreaming up more boy names and I’ll continue on as a boy mom. <3 When I first found out Leyton was a boy, I kind of didn’t know what to think since I grew up only having my sister and I.
But now, I’ve totally embraced the role of boy mom and love that I get to be the queen of the house, ha! Part of me felt like I wouldn’t know what to think if they told me I was having a girl. When people kept asking me what I thought I was having I would say another boy because my pregnancies have been pretty similar.
Eric and I both thought we were having a boy until the week of the gender reveal appointment when our neighbor told us according to the Chinese calendar we were having a girl. And then when Eric was sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for me, he said there was a picture of a baby girl in front of him and it made him start thinking oh, maybe these are signs it really is a girl.
Eric literally jumped and did a fist pump when she told us it was a boy! It was such a heart warming moment to hear the heartbeat, know it was a little boy and be together to see that sweet baby God has entrusted to us on the screen. What a joy!
Before you look at these next few photos, scroll back up and look at Leyton’s facial expressions in the first photos…Bored to shocked to PURE FEAR all captured in those three photos. We died laughing at his reactions after we had popped the confetti poppers. In case you’ve never done one of these, they are LOUD. Of course after the loud noise, this is the classic toddler reaction that ensued-
Bless him. It took Leyton a solid 5 minutes and tons of tears to get over the scare of the loud poppers! What finally perked him up was when we got out the broom and started cleaning up because cleaning may just be one of this boy’s favorite activities. He loves to be “really useful” like Thomas the Train. 😉
Eighteen Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate:
How far along? Eighteen weeks pregnant
Total weight gain: 17 lbs
Maternity clothes? You betcha! Although this Amazon dress y’all love (that I’m wearing in these photos) isn’t maternity and it’s super comfy for under $30!
Stretch marks? No, still using my Earth Mama belly oil.
Sleep: Good!
Best moment this week: Gender reveal at the doctor’s office and watching him move in the ultrasound.
Miss anything? My ability to breathe normally and workout at full capacity. I feel like I can’t keep up on family walks as well as I could and have to modify at Pure Barre a decent amount.
Movement: I wasn’t sure if I really felt baby move or not when we were at 30A a few weeks back but this week I’ve definitely felt more. Usually at night when I’m laying down.
Food cravings: Blueberry anything – Bagels, muffins, pancakes, donuts…you name it! Also had to stop at Milo’s this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Eggs in the morning still aren’t my jam.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: no
Symptoms: shortness of breath, felt like I may pass out when leaning over a client stretching them out in Pure Barre this week. I think I just needed more water?
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Mood: Excited to know gender!
Baby is the size of: bell pepper
Looking forward to: Eric and I want to each come up with 5 names each and then have a fun date night out to share those names with each other to start narrowing it down.

Yay! #boymom Congrats!!!
Congrats!!! The Chinese Gender Chart was wrong with both of my pregnancies, so I don’t follow it (plus there is more than one version and they give different answers!).
Congrats Mama! Another sweet boy, what a precious gift!! I am so excited for y’all and especially for Leyton..him and his baby brother are going to be best friends!
Congratulations on your sweet boy on the way!! Love that y’all come up with names on your own and then share them with each other. I did see Leyton’s reaction, poor fella! What a great little helper cleaning up; how do I teach my 2 year old to embrace that?! 🙂
I loved that Eric came up with that!!! 🙂 And lol, I don’t even know. He gets it from his daddy I think, ha!
I knew it!! I had a feeling it would be a boy! Congrats, Heather!! <3
You’re so sweet, thank you Crystal! 🙂