SHOP The Best Gifts For A 4 Year Old Boy Or Girl BELOW!
Do you ever get stuck trying to figure out what to buy for your toddler or preschool age child? Maybe for a birthday or Christmas? Me too! The best recommendations always come from y’all! I asked and you delivered!
Each year I try to put together a gift guide around Leyton’s birthday full of ideas you send + toys/activities we’ve heard about or purchased him throughout the year for either his birthday or Christmas. Below are 10 gift ideas that are sure to please the 4 year old in your life plus a round-up of all the best gift ideas YOU recommended for a 4 year old boy or girl!
Also, be sure to check out my Toddler Sensory Post for lots of creative ideas for simple and easy sensory activities that your little will love! And if you missed my sappy love letter to Leyton on his birthday, click HERE to read!
On Leyton’s Christmas List This Year:
#1. Teach My Preschooler Learning Kit // We have several of the deluxe kits from Teach My and love using them for “tivities” with Leyton and even Finn too. They are great because all the learning is setup for you and mama doesn’t have to figure it out! 😉 Their bath time kit is SO GREAT!!! You can read more about the kits we have in THIS POST!
#2. Kinetic Sand // This is a great product to have on hand for sensory play! It is ZERO mess and perfect for indoors or outdoors.
#3. Bike // 4 is the perfect age for mastering riding a bike!
#4. Magnatiles // These have been a TOP recommended gift idea for the last 3 years from you guys! So great for imaginative play and building!
#5. Puzzles // Love how cute these dinosaur puzzles are!
#6. Marble Run // We also have this Marble Run and really love playing with it with Leyton! It is great for learning basic engineering & physics!
#7. Board Games // The perfect family game night activity with a 4 year old! This game looks SO fun and hilarious!
#8. Duplo Legos // This is another gift idea I always receive when asking you what to buy your little one! I thought this playground set was super cute!
#9. Interactive Books // Screen-free toy that still has sounds and buttons for interactive learning!
#10.Weighted Blanket // Leyton loves our weighted blanket! They are perfect to snuggle up with on the couch or to use in bed! Offers great natural sleep and feels like a hug!
#11. Liki Trike // Worlds’ most compact trike!
#12. Miles Double V Shoe // Leyton has and loves!
#13. Traffic Pjs // Leyton has in size 4.
Gifts For A 4 Year Old Boy or Girl Recommended By YOU:
For toddler girls- the tinker belle movies are amazing. @daybystacykay
If you have an IKEA we love their train set!! @drjamieweaver
Pound a ball! @paulapyt
Melissa & Doug products!! @natbrumfield
Magnatiles, marble run, Grimm’s stacking rainbow. @katyamyers
Duplos, crayons, magnetic wooden blocks, interactive books. @radevick
Melissa and Doug coffee set! Mine felt so grown up making coffee like mommy. @rachels411
Blocks, puzzles, birthday LEGO set. @paola_carias
Legos/blocks, scooters, bikes, action figures, age appropriate board games. @oakleysmammaa
Tools! My girls love having tools, just like their Daddy. @meanmo136
Legos, the big ones! @dlizziebeth
Yookidoo bath toys! So fun. My boys have the one with the spout and gears and love it. @jessicamccloud
Membership or pass to a children’s museum or aquarium. @katger31
ThinkFun Roll and Play Game for Toddlers- Amazon. @katger31
ThinkFun Zingo Number Bingo!
Looking For More Toddler Gift Guide Ideas? Click The Posts Below!
PIN The 4 Year Old Gift Ideas For Later!

Heather, there are some great ideas on here! I seriously love that indoor garden or the foot spa for my mother in law. Thanks for helping me take the stress out of shopping!
I’m so glad you are loving these ideas and that I can help you get your shopping done this year!