Oooey, gooey lick your fingers good….Yep! That’s what these are…prepare yourself for deliciousness. Eric’s mom makes these sometimes and I didn’t have the exact recipe with me so I tried to remember what she used and then looked up a few recipes and tried to make the most out of all I could remember and what I was referencing. Since I’m still sick, Eric pretty much made these himself and I just barely helped.
I think we all know in general that when cheese is involved it’s a good thing…..
Starting to layer all the goodness together on the Hawaiian rolls….
Top with buttery, gooey melty sauce and pop ‘em in the oven….when you take them out, you get this:
and this:
Are you drooling yet? Cuz you should be….
We made these for dinner Sunday night and have ate them as leftovers, but they’d make a great appetizer as well. Here’s how we did it:
Hawaiian Ham & Swiss Sliders w/ Poppyseed Sauce:
Poppy seed sauce
1 Tablespoon poppyseeds
1 1/2 Tablespoons mustard
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 Tablespoon chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Spread mayo onto both sides of the center of each roll. Place a slice or 2 of ham and a slice of Swiss inside of each roll. Close rolls and place them into a baking dish, very close together.
In a medium bowl, whisk together all poppy seed sauce ingredients. Pour evenly over sandwiches. Use just enough sauce to cover the tops. Let sit 10 minutes or until butter sets slightly. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until cheese is melted. Uncover and cook for 2 additional minutes or until tops are slightly brown and crispy. Serve warm.
My mother-in-law will make these ahead of time and then place them in the fridge to take out and make the next day when she knows company will be coming. Yet another reason these little devils are great, you can make them ahead!