As I was talking to friends, family,& bloggy friends it became quite clear that everyone is ready for the reset button of the New Year! Even though I adored all the fabulous cookies, corn bread dressing, and other treats of the holidays my body is letting me know it is NONE too happy with the food I’ve been feeding it lately. I feel tired, sluggish, and puffy. The solution I’ve come up with? A 10 Day Healthy Challenge that I want YOU to join me on.
I will be posting a new idea everyday for 10 days for ways you can take baby steps to implement more healthy habits into your life. Here’s an outline of what’s to come so you can be mentally prepared for it and then I’ll go into more detail each day.
10 Day Healthy Challenge:
Day 5- Get the tools-Goals included!
I am personally challenging myself to do a 21 Day Clean Eating Challenge. Even though I usually eat clean, i do it in moderation…meaning that when we go out to eat, I get what I want. And when I want to splurge, I do. I think this is a great moderate way to fuel my body for my workouts and such, but to also enjoy life’s little indulgences. However, for the next 21 days, I am going to try my VERY hardest to only eat clean. They do say that it takes 21 days to form a habit, right? So, here we go!
Here’s what I ate today on my first day of Clean Eating (minimally processed foods):
Breakfast: Banana & Coffee
Snack: Whole Wheat Triscuit crackers and goat cheese
Lunch: Slow Cooker Pork with fresh salsa, guacamole, shredded cabbage and melty cheese. Yum!
Snack: An apple, celery, cucumber, carrot, beet, and ginger juice. Check out brands like Suja, Arden’s Gardens, etc at Whole Foods. (If you live in B’ham, check out The Pantry for juices like this)
Dinner: Same as lunch and kale chips
I also had a tennis lesson from Baseline Birmingham and did a Pure Barre class.
During this 10 Day Challenge which runs 1/2-1/11, let’s give each other some accountability! You can always join in late though!Â
Check in with me each day and use #GetHealthyChallenge on Instagram and tag @MyLifeWellLoved so we can all check in and encourage each other through it! If you don’t have Instagram, check in with me on Facebook and we’ll all help each other stay accountable. Take a picture or just share what you’re doing each day to participate in the day’s challenge! I’ll be picking one participant in this challenge to win a fun prize!
Related Posts that may help you during the challenge:

Oh dear lol. As easy as drinking water sounds, it’s probably going to be the hardest part for me. But I can do this! We all can!
Yes, you are so right! We can all do it. Proud of you for joining in. Thanks for letting me know. Cheers to a healthier 2014!
I agree, I think everyone is ready to hit the reset button. I love the idea of a little each day-makes it more approachable! Happy New Year!
Fun!!!! I’ll give it a shot!
Love this! Will be joining in 🙂 Off to go find my water bottle now.
What a great challenge! I sure could use a bit of a detox of sorts from all the sugar I ate in December.
This sounds like fun! I’m going to join you in this challenge. I’m also doing a 21-day challenge of my own beginning Sunday as part of my church’s 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I’m fast meat, sweets, and dairy for three weeks. God help me.
What an excellent idea! I wish you nothing but success on your challenge! 🙂