I am SO proud of each of you that have come this far in the Get Healthy Challenge! I hope you’ve stepped outside your box and tried a few new things or brainstormed new goals to take you further in your health and wellness goals for this year during the challenge. Your challenge today is simple. Try a hot steaming mug of green tea! Green tea benefits are almost too numerous to count!
Some of my favorite benefits of green tea include:
Healthy Heart: Drinking tea has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Oral Health:Â There are several properties in green tea associated with killing bacteria that cause tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease-the number one cause for tooth loss. Here’s to your pearly whites!
Cancer Prevention:Â A lot of research has shown that tea is beneficial in preventing cancer including prostate, pancreatic, breast, colorectal, esophageal, bladder, lung, and stomach. Although you may need to drink a lot of tea per day to get the full benefits of this, it can’t hurt!
Weight Loss: Green tea is though to rev up your metabolism and aid in weight loss.
Skincare: Because of tea’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, it can help with wrinkles and the signs of aging.
There are so many other benefits of drinking green tea! If you do a little research, you can check it out. I am by no means a medical expert so this is just the “dumbed down” version of the benefits.
Raise your glass to green tea and have a nice, warm cup of it today!  How’s your 10 Day Challenge coming along? Are you sticking with it? I have to admit to you that I did have an oops moment in my Clean Eating Challenge and ate a homemade cupcake at work this week. Eek! That’s ok though as long as you don’t let indulgences spiral into a whole week of oops moments. 😉
Please keep checking in with me on Instagram and Facebook with the #HealthyEatingChallenge tag.

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