It’s day 21 of the Paleo challenge! How are you doing with your healthy daily routine so far? This month is flying by and I can’t believe we are already into spring and Easter will be here before we know it! Speaking of spring, how springy and fun are these artsy workout pants? I am obsessed with the abstract art turned yoga pants from REP Active Art.
One of the things I found out from my reader survey is that y’all want to get more of a peek into my day to day routine and I’m happy to show you. I know you eventually want a vlog style video of this but for now my Instagram stories and hopefully this post will suffice. 😉 Thanks for your patience with me as I am learning video more and more each week.
My days vary widely depending on the day of the week and whether Eric is home or not. I have a babysitter two days a week for Leyton and my mom graciously watches him 1 day a week. Then 2 days a week I’m home with my little guy soaking up lots of baby loving and doing my Homefit workouts.
My Healthy Daily Routine:
7:00 AM: Alarm goes off. Try to pry my eyes open to look at emails/texts/anything I’ve missed overnight. Stagger to kitchen to get coffee. I am SO thankful that Eric usually starts the coffee pot for me, major win! Must have ALLLLL the coffee. Look at calendar, Pure Barre schedule for the day, and make sure any blog post that was scheduled went out correctly while eating a banana with almond butter.
7:20 AM: Oh crap! How did it get to be so late already? Runs back to bedroom to throw on athleisure clothes that will work for any of these scenarios: teach Pure Barre, work from the coffee shop or go to meetings for the day. Sometimes put on base makeup, Nerium eye cream and moisturizer, throw hair up in a top knot, brush teeth and head over to nursery to get Leyton going for the day.
7:40 AM: Wake Leyton up, change his diaper/get dressed, grab sippy cup, his breakfast, diaper bag, and run out to the car to buckle him into his new big boy car seat. He loves to put his sippy cup into the cup holder on the Rachel Zoe Maxi-Cosi Pria 85 car seat…he thinks he’s soooo big! We LOVE this car seat. It’s so nice and cozy for him. It’s easy to clean so far, gives lots of support and shoot, I want to sit in it!
7:41 AM: Dash back inside to grab computer bag, charger, notebooks, Leyton’s food, my lunch, purse and anything else I couldn’t get out the door on the first trip.
7:50 AM: Finally pulling out of the driveway provided there was no spilled milk, crazy tears, or otherwise madhouse situations making me later than normal. Finish applying lip gloss and mascara sans mirror…yes, I know it’s a real talent. Ha!
8:15ish AM: Get to babysitter’s house, drop off Leyton and drive to coffee shop or meeting to start working for the day. I usually listen to a podcast on the way or talk on the phone to my sister.
8:45 AM: Sit down and answer any social media comments/questions/messages. Scan email inbox for any pertinent emails from anyone collaborating with the blog, reader questions, pitch emails, etc. Plan Pure Barre class.
9:15 AM: Arrive at Pure Barre to teach the 9:30 class or take it if I’m teaching the noon instead.
9:30 AM: Teach or Take in my happy place followed by an RX Bar.
10:45 AM: Head back to meetings, answering emails, creating content for blog posts or social media including writing, editing photos, taking photos, or pitching brands about working with me on the blog, adjusting any last minute updates to blog post scheduled for the next day. I post on the blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday so I if I have it scheduled out in advance, I like to make sure there are no new updates that need to be made.
12:00 PM: Workout during my self-appointed lunch break or teach depending on the Pure Barre schedule that day.
1:15 PM: Same as time block at 10:45. I usually eat a salad or leftovers from dinner.
2:40 PM: Leave to go pick up Leyton at babysitter’s. I usually talk to my mom on the phone or one of my out of town or blogging friends or listen to a podcast on the way.
3:30 PM: Back home with Leyton for the day. This time is either a photo shoot with Casey Marie Photography, shooting videos with my intern for the blog, or Leyton and I just playing around…reading, foam rolling–which Leyton wants to be all up in– or doing laundry…something around the house spending time together. He also loves it when I take him for a run up to the park or playground.
6:15/30 PM: Eric gets home and we spend family time together. Whether it be cooking, dancing in the kitchen to the Sonos, going for a walk or in nice weather going up to the pool, or even just hanging out in the backyard with our neighbors while the kids play; this time is spent intentionally.
7:30ish PM: Eat dinner together. Eric is the better cook between the two of us so he usually cooks the meat and I cook the veggies. Leyton won’t touch meat or most veggies. He does love hummus, yogurt, fruit, and crackers though. We’re working on it and glad he does at least like a lot of healthy things.
8:00 PM: Baby story time and bed time. I try not to eat after this time, but if the hubs indulges in ice cream or something I do this paleo treat.
8:30 PM: Eric works 7 days on and 7 days off so depending on whether he’s working that week or not and how tired he is, we’ll either watch a show or something together or I’ll start working on the blog again. Eric and I also try to schedule at least bi-weekly date nights. We think this is so important for our marriage!
11:00 PM: Again, depending on Eric’s schedule and when he’s going to bed, I may start my bedtime routine when he does. I wash my face, use white strips, put on my Nerium Anti-aging cream and under-eye cream.  I then put on Clarins’ new Body Fit advanced cream-gel formula that helps visibly reduce stubborn cellulite that just will not go away no matter how many squats or “back holds” I do. 😉 It has quince leaf extract, baccharis, green coffee and water mint in it to help visibly reduce the look of cellulite by its unique ability to smooth, firm and lift. Can I get an amen?!
12-1:00 AM: Devotional from She Reads Truth and I do one last run through of social media channels and respond to comments, messages and questions before going to bed.
Shop the Healthy Daily Routine Post:
Top (love this one too!) // Pants // Sports Bra // Earrings // Necklace // Leyton’s Outfit // Leyton’s Car Seat // Leyton’s sleep sack // Book
Make sure you check out my Paleo Challenge buddies Laura who is showing you what she packs in her gym bag and Jessica who is showing you an arm workout! Now that I’ve showed you my healthy daily routine, what does yours look like? I’d love to know below in the comments. And did I leave something out you wanted to know? Let me know that too!
PS Don’t forget to enter to win the Nerium anti-aging line giveaway!
Thank you to Clarins Body Fit for partnering with me on this post.

You look so good Heather! I love those leggings and the Body Fit cream!
I really enjoyed this post! It’s always fun to see how busy people manage their time and make it all happen! Our hours are totally opposite though, haha! I’m up at 4:15/5 and in bed by 9 lol – but it’s whatever works, right??
Hey Rachel! Thank you for your kind comment. Haha, that’s pretty different indeed! I’ve always been a night owl, can’t help myself! 😉 I wish I could be a morning person instead most of the time. You keep rocking those 4 & 5 am hours I never see though! 😉