Shop the Holiday Honey Hustle Photos: K Deer Faux Leather Leggings // Sweater // Tank // My Sneakers // Laura’s Top // Laura’s Jacket // Laura’s Sneakers
Can you even believe WEEK 7 and the FINAL week of the Holiday Honey Hustle challenge is here? It seems like only a few days ago we were kicking off our challenge and beginning the holiday season. Whether you have fallen off track or have been really on top of it the entire 7 weeks, I encourage you to end with a bang! With only 8 days until Christmas, I know I am going to try to eat clean and workout as many times as possible before the splurges next week.
Don’t forget to head over to Jessica’s blog, Happily Hughes, and Laura’s blog, Walking In Memphis In High Heels, to see their Holiday Honey Hustle content for this week! As we have mentioned in weeks prior, our big giveaway is HERE! There are so many amazing product and brands included. Make sure you scroll to the bottom of this post to read about how to enter to win!
Thank you all SO much for participating this year in the Holiday Honey Hustle Challenge! It has been so fun and encouraging to see many of you post about the healthy choices you made throughout this holiday season. This community never ceases to amaze me! If you are thinking “now what?”, stay tuned for January 1st as we will kick off the new year with a round of Whole30! Sample meal plans, workouts, Whole30 Q&A, it is all coming to the blog this January!
Holiday Honey Hustle: Lunge Workout
Day 1:Â 10 Reverse Lunges on Each Leg + 10 Side Lunges on Each Leg
Day 2:Â 10 Side Lunges on Each Leg + 10 Front Lunges on Each Leg
Day 3:Â 10 Front Lunges on Each Leg + 10 Lunges with Kick Back on Each Leg
Day 4:Â 10 Lunges with Kick Back on Each Leg + 10 Curtsy Lunges on Each Leg
Day 5:Â 10 Curtsy Lunges on Each Leg + 10 Reverse Lunges on Each Leg
Day 6:Â 15 Walking Lunges + Hold on Right Leg for 30 Seconds + 15 Walking Lunges + Hold on Left Leg for 30 Seconds
Day 7: 25 Walking Lunges + Hold on Right Leg for 30 Seconds + 25 Walking Lunges + Hold on Left Leg for 30 Seconds
Don’t forget to add in 3 extra workouts this week! I would encourage cardio centered workouts like a walk or jog, running stairs or the stair master at the gym, or your favorite workout class! Even better if you can do it with a friend! 😉
To recap, here are the 7 Holiday Honey Hustle posts from this year! Check them out by clicking the links below!
- Week 1: Peanut Butter Balls Recipe
- Week 2: Sample Healthy Eating Meal Plan
- Week 3: 5k in 5 Days
- Week 4: Full Body Workout Video + The Benefits of Probiotics
- Week 5: Upper Body Exercises
- Week 6: How to Stay Fit While Traveling
Holiday Honey Hustle: Giveaway
Jessica, Laura, and I are excited to gift one lucky winner a mega prize pack including so many amazing products and brands focused on health and fitness. To enter, make sure you are following all 3 of us on Instagram and have done all the other entry opportunities on the Rafflecopter below!
The giveaway includes:
Misfit Wearables Smart Watch
Persona Vitamins Free Month
$100 BloqUV Gift Card
2 Boxes of ONE Bars
$100 Kodiak Cakes Credit
Erin Condren New Year, New You Prize Pack
Sweaty Betty Workout Outfit
SHOP the Holiday Honey Hustle Post:
Pin the Holiday Honey Hustle: Lunge Challenge for Later!

Due to how high risk I am I wasn’t able to participate in the exact same way but I made sure I got in one good walk a day, healthy clean eating and lots of water!!!! Can’t wait to be able to join in next time!!!
What an incredible giveaway! Thank you for your time and thoughtfulness in the blog post and workout and the chance to win! Crossing my fingers and toes!
I love the look of those leggings! Solid black is my go-to ?
Love the look of those leggings! Solid black is my go-to ?
I will definitely be trying these lunges when my ankle is feeling better! Thanks for the tips and I’m soo excited for the giveaway!! ??
I like the hi-luxe leggings in black from KDeer and think they would be great for my postpartum bod!
I really love the black. They make you slimmer and don’t draw that much attention to my big, fat arse.
I like the Dutchess leggings, although I really like the comment above me about the black ones lol!
I love the black leggings with grey sweater!
I think my wife would love the Journey Leggings.
I like the Legging in ‘Solid Black’.
Well let’s see… I think they’ll make me look slim me until I take them off (ugh-the rolls)and motivate me more to work off the cookies I’ve eaten during the holidays . So see, that’s why I think I NEED the Journey Leggings 🙂
I love the Journey Leggins super cute !
Love the black ones!! Slimming and would make me feel great working out!
I like the black ones
I don’t own any yet but I’m sure I’d love them all. I just recently (Oct.) started focusing on my health and fitness so I don’t own much workout attire.
I don’t own any but I’m sure I’d love them all.
Those Vortex leggings got me like ?
I like the courage leggings.
I like the journey leggings……………
I like the journey leggings……………or any that come in the slimming black.
The courage leggings !!!
The mission style legging are my favorite
I need to start exercising and eat healthier food
I would love to work out more and lose weight starting jan 1st! lol like I always say. I love those Journey Leggings.
I’m needing help sustaining my goal. I typically get going and soon detail.
I need help getting myself into a sleep routine.
My fitness goals definitely involve trying to get more sleep!
Love, love, love these challenges! They really motivate me to work out more and are so fun! Would love to see more in the New Year! I broke three toes a month and a half ago and am just getting back into the swing of things so this challenge is a great little push! The giveaway is fun too!
I want to start getting more exercise.
I want to work on eatting better for sure
I’ve loved Holiday Hunny Hustle for so many reasons! It gives me somewhere else to go for motivation
I think short at home workouts are always helpful for me! I can’t have super long workouts right now and that’s okay. Between kids and job, I love having time to spend with them! Sometimes workouts involve them! 😉
My husband and I are doing Whole30 in January as well so as many tips and tricks as I can get – I’ll take!
I’m interested in anti-aging skin products. Organization, too.
I want the most help with new recipe/snack ideas.
what i need the most help with is getting rid of fine lines and bags under my eyes…of course after having 9 knee operations and one full replacement and four spinal reconstructions, i need all the help i can get when it comes to fitness and health…
I need recipes to stay on track that won’t leave me starving
You guys make exercising look way too good! Love this post…Thanks!
Im planning on doing a whole 30 but I hate cooking so thats going to be tough
I like the Hi-Luxe Sneaker Length in ‘Solid Black’ leggings.
I’m looking for postpartum workout plans and tips for making time for workouts when you have young children too!
I would like help with easy and healthy meals!
Meal planning & prepping healthy lunches for during the week!
My goal for the new year is to meal plan & prep healthy lunches for during the week!
Needing help with organization of my time while being a SAHM.
I would really love some super soft and warm work out clothes so I feel more motivated to go for walks/hikes when its cold!
I want My whole family to eat healthier.
I need help getting motivated to work out every day!
I’d love help with more easy to do at home workouts
I love to exercise but I also love to eat healthier!
I need the most help with healthier recipes. I am the worst at grabbing unhealthy food because it is quick and easy.
Want my sugar and carb cravings to take a hike
I need some good nutrition advice and a little more motivation to help me stay on track.
I really need to buy a treadmill!
I really need to buy a new treadmill!
I’ll be happy to get all the motivation to push on in spite of the weather!
I need quick little exercises I can perform throughout the day. I’d also love more meal planning ideas!
Love this! Ready for some new tips for fitness and healthy eating to start the year off great!
motivation and accountability is what i need most when it comes to my new years fitness goals 🙂
I have had three years of back pain and would love to find exercises, stretches to help me.
I had to take a break from exercising to work with a physical therapist and he is working hard with me to get me back into a regular exercise routine. I am so happy. I’ve missed exercising.
I’m needing some direction on fitting everything into my day! Fitness, decluttering, etc.!
As a mom of littles, I would just love encouragement to stick with a healthy lifestyle! There are so many interruptions in my day/plans. Since you are a fellow momma, you are so motivating!
I need help in maintaining my 60-pound weight loss from this year.
My fitness goals include losing some weight and being more active.
I need to start eating better & get into the habit of working out more often.
In January I’m looking forward to your Whole30 and other nutrition content.
Love these ideas <3
Such a great way to keep us moving during the Holliday.
I am looking forward to refreshing my diet and start my postpartum workouts.
To get more sleep
I need help with being more self-disciplined about my meal, sleep, and exercise routines.