I have procrastinated till the last moment to pack my hospital bag. Everyone around me, including my pregnancy apps have told me I need to be prepared…to have my pregnancy hospital bag packed and yet, here I am at 37 weeks pregnant running around during each lunch break trying to make sure I have each thing I need. Today’s purchase? A pink and cozy Target robe, thank you very much!
I’ve bombarded my closest friends, bloggers, the nurses at St Vincent’s and the lady next to me at Starbucks to get a comprehensive list you can use to help you pack for the hospital below.
Hospital Bag Checklist:
Nursing Pillow // iPad //Fan //Hair dryer/Curling Iron/Brush/Hair Ties/Dry Shampoo // Phone charger // Gown //Camera, charger, memory // Make-up bag Pillows //Leading Lady Nursing bra // Going home outfit //Music // Slippers or flip flops // Pillows // Comfy, loose pajama bottoms //  Leading Lady Nursing Tanks
Here’s a few extra notes on some of the things I’m packing and why:
Pillows: Who doesn’t sleep better on their own pillow? Pack one for you and one for your hubs. Use a pillowcase that’s a different color than the ones at the hospital so you don’t accidentally lose yours!
Booby Trapper nursing cover: I’ve heard this nursing cover is one of the best because it gives you extra space and doesn’t hit baby’s head.
Going home outfit: Don’t expect to wear anything non-maternity just yet so I’m packing a simple stretchy dress.
Towel:Â Bring your own for that extra touch of “homey-ness” with your own laundry scent, etc.
Robe: Easy to transition for breastfeeding and covering yourself with visitors.
Prenatal vitamins: Not done with them yet! If you plan to breastfeed, plan to keep taking these!
Toiletries: Don’t forget to pack these last minute when you are heading out the door!
Earth Mama/Angel Baby Products: Super excited about these herbal, organic products to help me with breast feeding, healing, and baby’s needs.
Baby book: To stamp their little feet and hands on. I still need to get this, whoops!
Snacks (with protein)
Chapstick: I’ve heard from many women that this was so needed after all the coached breathing and pushing!
Trash bag for dirty clothes
Outfit for baby for pictures
I hear the hospital will have EVERYTHING else you need for baby there. Special thanks to my partner St. Vincent’s Hospital for helping me to feel more prepared about what’s to come and giving me a tour of the birthing suites. If you missed my post on 20 Things You Should Know Before You Have a Baby, make sure to check it out!
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Add to your list: pillow & blanket, snacks, and sweatshirt – all for your husband!
With my second, I took my own sheets also. Hospital linens are terrible! After delivery, I had them out my twin ones in the bed. I was much more relaxed with my soft comfy linens.
For our anniversary my husband had bought me a hospital go bag from themotherduck. I’ve seen cute ones on etsy as well, maybe it was just the thought.