The Importance Of Movement & How To Get 10000 Steps Per Day For Busy Moms:
Today I’m excited to dive deep into the advice we’ve heard a million times: “Get 10000 steps per day! Move your body!” But is there a bigger reason beyond strong muscles and burning calories? (Hint, the answer is YES!)
Besides the obvious, there is a real MENTAL and EMOTIONAL benefit to moving your body! I joke that the reason I work out is because I’m addicted to the endorphins it gives me. Ha!

Exercise also noticeably reduces STRESS! How? It releases your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. This makes you feel calmer and less overwhelmed. Yes please!
And that’s just the scientific side of things! That doesn’t even touch the confidence and pride you feel after a good workout, when you know you’re pouring love into your strong body! Bottom line, getting active:
- boosts your mood
- keeps your heart healthy
- improves your sleep
- and help you deal with depression, anxiety, stress, and more!

So how do you get in steps and lower steady state cardio when you sit at a desk all day? For me, when I am at my desk writing and recording podcast episodes all day, my favorite way to keep my heart rate up is with my under-the-desk seated elliptical from Cubii.
Wearing my smart watch helps me so much with staying active to check my heart rate while I am using my seated elliptical and when I am getting my steps! I love that once I get in my 10000 steps per day, I close my workout rings for the day and I get to do a little celebratory dance. 😉 You could also set a timer to remind you to incorporate movement into the day. If I don’t have a workout class, I’ll start a dance party with the boys, sit at my desk with my seated elliptical, or go on a walk with Eric or as a family.
Bonus marriage tip – there is really nothing like a walk to get conversation flowing!
I encourage you to track your steps today and see how many you get. Is this an achievable goal for the rest of the month? If not, bump up or down your number or decide how many days a week you want to work out. If you don’t have a smart watch, take a walk today or crank up the dance music and set a timer to get your body moving!
How To Get More Movement In & 10000 Steps Per Day:
Are You Ready To Work It, Mama?
SHOP My Favorite Preworkouts HERE:
SHOP a few of my FAVORITE pre-workouts here: Alani Nu On Amazon! // RUSH (Use code HEATHER for $10 off!) // Celsius On Amazon!