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“But can I eat out while doing Faster Way To Fat Loss?” – This is one of the most common questions I hear from YOU ever since I began sharing about the program! If you recently missed my Faster Way To Fat Loss Frequently Asked Questions Post, make sure to read it as I answer a whole list of questions there!
Remember that this program is all about progress over perfection. It is also created to fit your lifestyle, which includes eating out, celebrating birthdays, having a margarita every once and a while, and of course treating yourself on leg day! Ready to sign up for Faster Way to Fat Loss?! Click here and join me on the journey!
Let me be the first to tell you I was so nervous about learning how to track macros! I was sure I would be the one person who wouldn’t “get it”. But after I figured it out with the help of my coach, I added it to my daily iPhone calendar so I get daily reminders with my daily Fat, Carb, and Protein goals. So easy!
While tracking macros at home is pretty simple with the MyFitnessPal database of scanning labels or searching for items, Â you might be wondering how this translates to restaurants. Well, I am happy to report that so far I have found it pretty easy! I am sharing my best tips below!
Tips for How To Track Macros & Eat Out
1. Check MyFitnessPal for Menus: I have been surprised to find many popular menus saved in the app! For example, Chick-Fil-A, Chipotle, Starbucks, Zoe’s Kitchen, & many more are included making it easy to grab lunch or dinner out and still be able to track your macros. This is the easiest way to check the menu prior to dining out and planning the rest of your macros around whatever you choose to eat for that meal out! If you can’t find the menu you are looking for in MyFitnessPal, another option is to google the restaurant name + Nutrition Info or Nutrition Menu and you can sometimes find the Fat, Protein, and Carb breakdown there!
2. Foods To Look For On The Menu: The program does promote “whole” nutrition, meaning anything that comes from the ground or has a mother! Think meat, veggies, fruit, grains, legumes! Many restaurants have some type of healthy choice, whether that be a salad or meat + veggie. Each time I have been at a restaurant since being on Faster Way To Fat Loss and counting macros, I have tried to find something healthy that also fits into what fat, carbs, and proteins I have left for the day.
Be careful with appetizers and alcoholic beverages. Instead of eating off a large platter or shared plate make yourself a portion on your plate and it will keep you from mindlessly eating. If you’re partaking in alcoholic beverages just be sure you have left room in your macros. You can also sip on seltzer water with a lime and you blend in to the party just fine!
3. Making Meals Match Macros: On FWTFL, there are high carb days and low carb days. If you are dining out on a low carb day, you will be looking to eat more meats, leafy greens, and steering clear of any potatoes, beans, corn, rice, etc. If you are dining out on a high carb day, you will be looking to eat more of those carby foods! Also, try and get your work out in that day! And if you need to move around your food cycle and you’re in the FASTer way, you know how to do that and it’s totally fine! Especially if it’s a special day you’re wanting that extra glass of wine or decadent dessert!
4. Plan Your Macros Around Your Meal Out:Â On days where I know we have dinner plans or date night, I will try to break my fast later in the day and eat super clean and maybe even a little less throughout the day so I have the space in my macros to splurge or indulge a little more! Drinking plenty of water that day and maintaining your fasting window lends you to fully enjoy the restaurant once you get there!
5. Be in the moment, focus on the people and have fun!: Life is meant to be enjoyed! If you mess up, guess what? You can’t blow it with one bad day or one bad meal. You just start again the next meal or the next day!
The next round for Faster Way To Fat Loss starts APRIL 29TH! You can join us by clicking HERE to sign up! If you are looking for more FWTFL posts, check out the following:
- Faster Way To Fat Loss Favorite Products
- Faster Way To Fat Loss Before & After Photos
- 5 Reasons Why I Decided to Start FWTFL
- Low Carb, 2 Ingredient, Crockpot Chicken Recipe
Don’t forget to follow along with my fellow friends who are joining me on the Faster Way To Fat Loss journey! I can’t wait to crush #FWTFL together!
- Lindsey at Life Lutzurious
- Jessica at Happily Hughes
- Molly at Stilettos and Diapers
- Sarah at Sew Sarah R
- Dani at Dani Marie Blog
- Caroline at Olive You Whole
- Laura at Walking In Memphis in High Heels
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Great info – still considering whether to go for it or not ?
Not everyone has access to premade meals, can you do more posting recipes for you and family? I struggle with making a meal that everyone will eat fit into my meal plan.