OKAYYYYY, sister friend. Today is a hard one.
We’re talking about the importance of positivity.
Deep breath.
As we focus on the emotional and mental aspects of self care, not to mention spiritual, I want to dial in on one thing today.
Together, let’s choose to do ZERO complaining / grumbling from our mouth today. I’d encourage you to get someone to hold you accountable, so text a girlfriend or your hubby and ask for their help. I find it so interesting that God tells us specifically in His Word NOT to grumble or complain.
Not to mention that it has a negative effect on the people around you, especially kids. And, well, then there’s that little fact about optimists living longer than pessimists… Plus I read that the stress caused by negativity affects your brain function and memory. It’s really so amazing how our bodies are wired!
It really is so kind of God to give us protective commands like that. Instead, let’s pay attention to the verses that tell us to give thanks in all things, even when life is hard. There is always a place for good communication and struggling with hard days and trials, but let’s work hard to keep our minds focused on what we can be thankful for today!
Today’s Takeaway:
Yep, you guessed it already: Choose to not complain out loud about anything today. Instead, let’s try to think this way –
Today, let’s train our minds to pray for those thoughts to be taken away when we’re tempted to complain, grumble, etc. I’ll check with you tomorrow to see how you did!
The Importance Of Positivity: Need To Shift Your Mindset?
I created an entire challenge to help us all change our mindset to one of gratefulness. It’s something you can do with your little ones to teach them gratitude as well. As a bonus, y’all can get a FREE gratitude journal that I created to go right along with this challenge.GET IT HERE!
Have you grabbed my FREE printables that I made for y’all? If not, click on the buttons below and grab them. Then make sure to snap a photo and tag me on stories so that I can see it and reshare it! And as always, I love reading your messages on the ‘gram, so keep ’em coming!