Have you seen the social media movement that is sweeping Birmingham? It’s simply called #InspireUsBham. Two local business women asked other women to share their story. Women sent in email after email and the @inspireusbham Instagram account is sharing some of the most powerful and funny/crazy/inspiring stories that were submitted. Oh, and all the women are dared to bare their face…with no makeup, to be raw and real. And, guess what? It’s powerful, y’all.
As soon as I heard about #InspireUsBham, I knew I wanted to get involved somehow because the goal to inspire other women is at the core of why I created My Life Well Loved. I’m happily sponsoring a donation in the gift bags for the 30 women whose stories were selected to be shared. And since I’m joining forces with them, it seems only appropriate that I share my story.
I think one of the hardest things about being a mom, a lifestyle blogger, a Pure Barre instructor and a woman period, is that the world expects us to have it together. To be fit. To be pretty. To be loving. To be perfect. And in a few words, I am not. I am the messier of our husband/wife duo as Eric can attest. I am clumsy. I like to sleep a little too long on a Saturday morning and as I learned recently I have idols I didn’t even realize I struggle with.
While I loved Leyton more than I could ever imagine, I did start to experience some baby blues. (5 months ago…you can read his birth story here.) For those of you who know me, you realize how odd that may sound. I’m usually happy-go-lucky, and exude the fact that I LOVE to be around people. It takes a lot to make me upset. So, after I had the baby and realized I felt “off,” I simply didn’t know what to do with that. My body was different, hurting, unable to do much more than walk to the mailbox and back, my mind felt “unlike me” and my spirit was just down.
I am not much of a crier and don’t feel moody usually but I was bursting into tears multiple times per day at the slightest thing. So much so, that I literally started laughing at myself at one point through the tears because I realized how crazy it was that I was crying about something so small. I felt out of control and wondered if I’d ever feel “normal” again.
I was also frustrated because typically the way that I deal with stress is by exercising. However, my doctor had forbid me from even walking the block for 6-7 weeks. As I sat in the ever-tightening 4 walls of our house for that long, I kept wondering when I would snap out of it. Eric was such a rock for me during this time. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have a husband like him who listened to me talk about all these things.
I know without a shadow of a doubt that God placed me there for a reason. I believe He stripped away all the things that I typically try to fill myself up with (extrovert, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) tendencies over here, y’all!) to let me sit and stew in just Heather and God. I realized that even though working out and time with friends and being active are all good things in and of themselves, I don’t NEED them. The only things I need are God and Heather to be solid.
Eventually the baby blues started to subside. I’m so glad God brought me out on the other side closer to Him and helped me learn more about who I am in my new role as mom. My life will never look the same now that I have Leyton in it and he is now one of my biggest joys.
I’m grateful for a God who helped sustain me, a God who listened to my broken cries and who kept assuring me over and over again that He had me in His hand and that was enough. I am enough. You are enough. And God is most certainly ENOUGH.
That’s my story. And, now I’d love to hear yours! Feel free to leave a comment or email me if that’s better for you. AND, please JOIN US for the Inspire Us Bham Party (FREE!) next Monday night. If you struggle with postpartum depression, baby blues or want to learn more about it please visit Jenny’s Light.

You are amazing! So beautiful, inside and out.
Thanks for reading it. 🙂 And oh my gosh, right back at you, lovely!
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I think it’s really important for women to share their struggles along with their victories- it makes us all feel less alone. And I’m so glad you clung to Jesus and your family when you were recuperating – I’m a firm believer in the saying “If He leads you to it, He’ll lead you through it!”
I hope you, Eric & Leyton are having a wonderful week!
Sarah, I totally agree. Southern women especially tend to put on the facade that everything is always “fine” or good. It’s time to be real. The only reason I can accept and kind words is because of Jesus in me. Thank you again for your kind words!
It was tough seeing you go through those challenging days, but I knew that with God’s help, you would be back to yourself in no time. I’m thankful that you turned to Him and sought His direction. Eric was such a great support to you and wonderful with Leyton from the start. You are such an awesome Mother to Leyton and are always an inspiration. I’m not surprised that you shared your story since you always want to help others. We are so proud of you and thankful for you, Eric and precious Leyton! We love you all!!
Heather! I absolutely adore everything about this post. You are such a beautiful soul, and thank you so much for being so real and raw and vulnerable and sharing your story. There is such truth in what you said about God just stripping everything away to be able to seek His face. Your story is so encouraging. Love love love the photos….especially the one with Leyton!
Loved this post. Having a one week old, I can relate to not feeling like myself. And wanting to be active but not being able to! Thanks for your honesty.
Thanks for your sweet comment, Reeg. You are AMAZING and I can’t wait to love on you and that sweet baby and see you both soon. xoxo