This post on Love Your Body Challenge was originally published in February 2021 and updated in February 2022.

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Photos by Magen Davis Photography
Love Your Body Challenge:
I’ve always felt strongly about sharing a message of self care and loving the body God has given me. But after having my two boys, I felt the need to really speak to the heart of mamas through the journey of how my body changed through pregnancy, postpartum, and now just living an active life with two littles!
It breaks my heart to see how often we women feel hurt and experience self-doubt in this area. The struggles of hair loss, new hair growth, stretch marks, weight management, cellulite, low libido, and feeling “normal” often cause us to struggle with negative thoughts.
It’s easy to listen to cultural lies that we’re never pretty or skinny enough. Not to mention that when everyone needs us all the dang time, we sometimes don’t prioritize feeling strong and actively loving our bodies.
Loving your body means NOT ONLY choosing to accept it and think positive thoughts, BUT ALSO actively taking steps to pour into and take care of your body.
It’s a balance, and I’m ready for us to find it again together this year.
Maybe you’re thinking, “Yeah, that sounds nice Heather, but I really don’t have time to figure that out right now.”
I got you, sister friend! I’ve been brainstorming and I am so STINKING EXCITED! For the next 14 days until Valentine’s Day, I am going to go beyond just writing words here and actively take your hand.
Think daily affirmations, but way better. I’ll help you make them reality!
If you CLICK HERE & SIGN UP TODAY, I will shoot you an email for the next 14 days, a personalized email from me will ping your phone screen. (If you sign up after February 1, no worries! You can still join in on the fun HERE!)
CLICK HERE and I’ll remind you why you are valuable, share my favorite self-care tips and hacks, and motivate you (and myself) to drink enough water, get moving, and be thankful.
We won’t just be learning how to take care of our physical bodies! We’ll also embrace the physical, mental, and emotional aspects! Self care from the inside out! (I was listening to your answers in the reader survey!)
Plus, I’ll hand you a daily doable action step to living a life well loved – starting with your body.
Over The Next 14 Days You Will Get:
- Pretty journal pages to record what you’re thankful for
- A water intake printable (because we all know just Starbucks doesn’t count)
- A cheat sheet to power up your protein intake
- Guide to the best supplements
- Memory verses for you and the kids
- My must-have products to enhance your self care journey
- And more exciting things I can’t wait to give you!
If we were talking over coffee, I’d tell you that God gave us one body and He says for us to treat it like a temple.
That literally means treat it like the place that He dwells, because He does dwell with us through His Holy Spirit every single second.

Would that make us look a little more kindly at our bodies? We’re human, and we’re imperfect, but perfectly loved and made perfectly worthy by God. Let’s ignore the lies of the enemy and embrace our identity in Christ together!
What are you waiting for? 14 Days & 14 Ways to Love Your Body, here we COME!
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