I am overjoyed! This is the beginning of our 14 day journey to truly loving and caring for our bodies better, TOGETHER.
I felt the need to start this series because my heart is so burdened by the number of women in my DMs – heck, even myself – who struggle with negative lies from the enemy and our culture about our bodies AND our mental health. Your identity does not begin or end with your weight, hair loss or growth, feeling “normal”, or anything like that, sweet friend.

As I’ve said before, our bodies are the TEMPLE of the Lord – that literally means that He dwells in them through His Spirit every second. Like, what?? Does that make you want to look at your body a little more kindly?
Today’s Takeaway:
Today, your first step in our challenge is simple. Download THIS JOURNAL PRINTABLE or write in your own journal one thing about your body that you’re grateful for. This is an important step, so don’t skip it!
NOTE: When you are printing, be sure your printer is set to “Print Entire Image” and not “Fill Entire Page”. This will ensure the printable is not cut off at the bottom when printed.
Stay tuned! We’ll be talking about how drinking enough water changed my life! Not even kidding! Plus I’ll hand you a fun freebie!
For the next 13 days, I’ll have a new post up to give you a pep talk before we move into ways to take care of our body. Yep, self care is hard with mom life. But you can’t pour from an empty cup, plain and simple. Let’s fill our cups and embrace the truth that we are WELL LOVED by God – so that we can live a life well loved.
P.S. When you write in your journal today, would you DM me on Instagram and let me know what you’re grateful for about your body? If you’re comfortable, I’d love to share your thoughts with the rest of the community! If you want it to stay between you and me, you got it!

If y’all were here last year, you may remember the Love Your Body Challenge and maybe you downloaded the love your body journal for yourself! Several of you tagged me in your Instagram stories with ways that you are taking care of your bodies, and reasons why you love your body exactly as you are! I wanted to share some of those messages from y’all again to give you a little inspiration!
Today I Love My Body Because:
-I am able to run around and play with my two kiddos.
-My legs and feet make it possible to dance!
-I can push myself during a workout and see the benefits.