Y’all know I love parties and people by now, right? I love any excuse to get together with friends, so when LUVS reached out to me to host a party at my house and wanted to shower them with gifts, I was excited to start the planning process!
Leyton loves his little toy football, so we figured we’d create a party around something most people in the South love…watching SEC football! So, we invited over several friends with young kids to come over and watch football and hang out. It was refreshing to talk about our kids and the things we love about them and also to encourage one another in the parenting journey. Whether our kids aren’t sleeping well, or need to gain weight or have to get ear tubes or are overweight…we all have our stuff that we are walking through and it’s nice to have friends to do so with!
Eric and I got Chick-fil-A from our new Grove location and of course it was a huge hit! We had fresh fruit, chicken salad sandwiches, chicken wraps, homemade BBQ chicken dip & buffalo chicken dip, and sweet tea and lemonade. There were no leftovers! All the babies even gobbled up the chicken salad sandwiches.
Luvs Ultra Leakguards with NightLock Plusâ„¢ is a diaper I was intrigued to try since we noticed in the past few months that Leyton was starting to need to size up at night to make sure we had dry PJ’s in the morning. These diapers are very soft for sweet sleep and there’s super wide waistband for a secure fit. They are more absorbent than ever before and Luvs is even offering a full money back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied. Whoop whoop! Luvs also is less expensive than a lot of other diaper brands which is always a plus since diapers sure can add up fast! These diapers come in sizes Newborn-6 and can be found at most major retailers.
We also had cute little white bubble phrases people could fill out with what they loved about their kids, so I’m sharing what I love most about Leyton right now below in no particular order:
When I come in from work or being out and he crawls over as fast as he can to me with a huge smile to crawl up in my lap and “hug” me.
His giggles especially in tickle fits on our bed
The way he just started saying “mah-mah” but I know he means mama
When he waves bye bye
How he stands up on his tip toes to reach up to the top of his baby grill
Playing peek a boo and how much fun he has doing so
Our quiet reading time at night on the couch together as a family. When we read Good Night, Farm he grunts hm hm while drinking his milk when we tell him to say night night to each animal as we turn the pages
I rock Leyton back and forth while staring at a framed picture of us when he was just a few days old hung in his nursery. Many times I’ll sing Jesus Loves Me and he’ll hum/try to sign along.
When he reaches up to hold my hand while he’s in the car seat or stroller. Heart melting!
What do you “luv” about your little one?