Before I even had Leyton, I wanted the 4moms mamaRoo infant seat. I heard such good things about it from friends and family members but for some reason, I didn’t get it off my registry so I kind of just forgot about getting it. Until…Leyton fell in love with the mamaRoo infant seat when we traveled to Nashville a while back to visit our friends who had the infant seat. They have a little boy who is just a few short weeks younger than Leyton.
At the time we visited them, Leyton was only 3 months old and he loved the rocking motion of the mamaRoo infant seat so much that I got video of him in it. He was also mesmerized by the little black and white foamy balls at the top. It was one of the first times I saw him get really excited about something. Granted, I missed the best part in the video, but at least I got a bit of his reaction. I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by and that he is about to be a 1 year old!
I am already starting to get sentimental about him turning one at the end of this month. I’m going to miss his little baby cuddles, the smell of his skin when he first gets out of the bath, hearing his coo’s and blowing bubbles, how soft his baby skin is, and how he loves to hold my finger or hands. I’m going to miss nursing him in his rocking chair in the nursery, I’m going to miss the sound of his baby giggles and seeing his little tongue sticking out (It’s all the time, y’all!). I could start crying right now thinking about it. People always tell you that it goes by so quickly, but until you see how fast babies change in front of your eyes, it’s hard to believe it.
For instance, when I look at this video now, I think, “Did he REALLY look that different just a few short months ago?” It’s unreal how quickly their faces start to mature, how much their hair fills in, and how their little coo’s become words. Leyton just started saying Dada this past week!
I digress…the point is to tell you that if you have a baby and you don’t have this infant seat yet, you are missing out! I am excited to have the mamaRoo infant seat for our next baby which will hopefully be a little ways away. 🙂
I was really proud of myself for being able to set this up without the hubs. He usually handles all of our “put together” projects like this. The mamaRoo infant seat has five unique motions to help soothe your baby. It’s the only infant seat that can replicate a parent’s natural moments. It moves up and down and sways side to side just like a parent does when soothing their baby. The mamaRoo infant seat weight limit is 25 pounds, so even though L still fits in it, since he can sit up, it’s no longer a good option for him since he’ll try to pull himself out the side. HA! See, I told you, growing too fast!
There is a HUGE giveaway going on for the 4moms Road Trip Sweepstakes for an opportunity to win a new 2016 Honda Pilot and all the 4moms products–including the mamaRoo! Go HERE to enter to win. AND a rare discount through 8/31 on the mamaRoo. From August 15th-31st, you can purchase the infant seat starting at $199– that’s more than $70 in savings!
If you entered to win the giveaway, what are you most excited about that is part of it? Leave a comment below letting me know!

Love 4moms! They’re awesome!!
Most excited about the car 🙂
We LOVED our Mamaroo! So functional AND stylish. 😉
Ok, when I have kids I’m buying this! Can they make this for adults?!
I wanted this so bad for my boys but didn’t want to spend the money so I’m actually kinda jealous you have one! He looks super happy in it too!
It’s awesome to have something he enjoys for travel!!
Cool review!! And such cute pics 🙂
I’ve heard these are so awesome! Def getting one when I have kids!
Oh my goodness. He is SO adorable! When I have kids I am definitely going to get this!
xo Ashley
I love the mamaroo! Bonus that it could be easily moved from room to room unlike most baby swings!
aw he’s adorable!
I need to tell my sister about this. She’s having her first baby (a boy!) in November. Also, he is ADORABLE!
Oh wow! That looks like a great seat! Thank you for the sale information. That’s a huge discount! Your little one is adorable too!
Sure thing, Tracy! Isn’t that a steal?! Thank you very much.
that is the sweetest little face —- he is sooo cute ( and I mean that!! )….I love all the outfits you have him in ( who says they don’t make cute things for boys )….One year old – that is hard to believe. I don’t remember how I first started reading your blog but it started and I have kept up with his growth….will look forward to your party planning and the party itself. this is your “old” follower – Rhonda Copple in Fayetteville, TN!!
You are SOOOO kind. THank you so very much. I LOVE getting your kind comments. They make our day. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend, my dear!!
that precious face! <3
Okay, the Honda is great and all, but if I’m honest, I would be more stoked about the self-installing car seat.
I’m having a baby in October and I’m hoping I will be able to get one of these before baby boy arrives! It’s too bad its my second baby and there will be no shower…lol!
My daughter is probably the only baby in the world to hate the mamaroo! Hopefully I can use it for the next one though. I know what you mean about getting all sentimental about them growing up. My daughter just turned 18 months and I cried.
Adorable pictures!! Great review!