Watch // Lush men’s line or Art of Shaving gift set // KC Steaks // RYOBI Starter Kit // Patagonia Gear + Outdoor Gear // Fulton & Roark // Bose or Beats Wireless headphones
Some of the hardest people to shop for on your list are probably your brother, husband, boyfriend or dad. Men are just tough to know what to get and they typically don’t have great answers when you ask. HA! Eric and I have rounded up some of the top Christmas gifts for him AND I got SO many good responses from the lovies as always.
Eric’s top recommendation for top Christmas gifts for him was the Fulton & Roark solid, wax-based cologne. Fulton & Roark  is a company that crafts men’s grooming products built for the way men operate. For example, their solid, wax-based cologne Eric loves lets guys easily carry fragrance with them — in a pocket, a gym bag, a carry-on — without worrying if a glass bottle will break and get liquid everywhere. It’s compact to take on the go, good every day scent and lasts a long time. (Oh, and GQ named their shave cream best on the market in 2016!)
KC Steaks– Y’all!!!! What man doesn’t love steaks?! We just got in our signature steak combo box and are so excited to have it on hand for paleo meals during the Holiday Honey Hustle Challenge and during Whole30 in January! If you haven’t heard of them before, they have been around since 1932 and are known for their gifting solutions with quality steaks and other fine foods. You can use code LOVEDFL17 for 15% off!Â
RYOBI Starter Kit: This is PERFECT for a new/first-time home owner. Eric has requested this!
Patagonia Gear + Outdoor Gear – A classic.
Onzie – Eric and I really like their men’s workout gear!
Top Christmas Gifts for Him Lovies Recommendations:
- Big Green Egg grill
- Tommy John underwear
- sports tickets
- beer brewing kit
- automatic car starter
- nice button up shirts
- sound bar
- Man Crates
- subscription box
- Art of Shaving gift set
- sushi making class
- 23andMe DNA testing
- NYTimes history books
- A magnetic wrist strap
- Bespoke Post
- Bose or Beats Wireless headphones
- RFID money clip,
- Macallan 18-yr Scotch
- monogrammed pajamas
- Lush men’s line
- Lane’s BBQ seasonings
- Traeger grill sauces or rubs
- Fishing lures
- Ammo
- Camping stuff
- Survival stuff
- Tie
- Fun dress socks
- Beef jerkey
- Drone
- Harvey Overnight Bag
- Loyal Stricklin Aviator mug with local coffee inside
- Bose
- MVMT watchÂ
Need MORE gift ideas? Make sure you don’t miss the other gift guides!
Toddler Gift Guide (Over 50 ideas from moms!)Â – Ideas from books to Santa gifts to Leyton’s favorites!
Hostess & Teacher Gift Guide – So many unique ideas from teachers and they open up and share what NOT to get them.
