Shirt (similar) // Leggings // Mules (similar) // Earrings // Leyton’s shirt
Photos: Rachel & Noah Ray
This post was sponsored by Allstate. All opinions are my own.
Spring is already here in Birmingham, AL! With temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s, flowers and plants blooming and the telltale signs of pollen in the air…..ahhhh-choo! It’s definitely time to start thinking about fun spring activities and clothes as well as you guessed it…spring cleaning!
Cleaning is pretty much the bane of most of our existence it seems. BUT, a lot of y’all are really good at it! I shared my Bona premium mop & Bob automatic vacuum sweeper today on IG and the questions started flooding in asking about them. You can shop it on Amazon here!
I took to Instagram last week to ask how to work off tough to tackle stains on our glass topped stove and y’all came in with awesome answers like the rockstar mamas you are!
Then it got me thinking that y’all probably have a million great cleaning hacks to share for spring cleaning so I should round them all up here for us to learn together.
Spring Cleaning Mom Hacks:
- Pour baking soda and vinegar on stains on a glasstop stovetop make a paste and let it sit for an hour! Then wipe off clean. So easy, I do it once a month. – Morgan R. You can read more in-depth .
- Spray down the counters every night with disinfectant – and make sure you love the smell! I like to think of it as my daily aromatherapy! -Allyson K.
- Clean the kitchen before going to bed at night, run the dishwasher, and unload it the next morning while I’m making coffee. Starting the day and ending it with a clean kitchen makes my life more sane! – OssaJane
- Dishes: I pick up as I go! I don’t leave things for the next day because it’ll never get done, like the dishes! I wash them as I go so it’s not a huge pile up at the end of the day. -Kierra F.
- I hate cleaning the fan blades on my ceiling fan but they seem to get dusty so often. I take a pillowcase (one that is about to go in the wash anyway) and put it over the fan blade and pull all the dust off. It goes right into the pillowcase and then it all goes in the wash. No worries about dust everywhere. -Katger31
- Make your bed every day! You’ll be shocked how getting into the habit makes it seem like it’s not even a chore and you’ll appreciate the clean overall look in your room more than you know!
- Shower: If you have a glass shower, use a magic eraser to clean the glass! It gets the fog off instantly. – Kelly P
- Whether it be your master bedroom, or anywhere else in the house you can use lemon as an all-natural cleaner.
- This sounds silly, but I read a tip to throw in a load of laundry first thing in the morning EVERY DAY and put it away that day. I’ve been doing this (typically after work so it can go straight in the dryer after) and put clothes away at naptime or right after bedtime. It keeps laundry from stacking up and I notice it less as a chore and more as a routine. -riebeac
- Everyone in our family has a night to do their OWN laundry (even husband). It helped me stay sane and gave everyone ownership over their own habits. -Sam B.
General Tips:
- Vinegar + Dawn = Game changer. I use it on everything! -Sam B.
- Daily Cleaning Habit: Never leave a room empty-handed. Whenever I go room to room during the day, I make sure to take something and put it back where it belongs. (shoes in the closet, toy in the playroom, etc) – Allison V.
- Spend one minute picking up in the major rooms after kids are down. – Cindy M.
- The BEST cleaning advice I’ve ever gotten is “if you don’t love it, give it away.” I’ve purged so much in the past few weeks and each time it makes cleaning the house a tad easier. -Wizard Mom
- When I don’t want to clean, I set a timer (8 min, 12 min, 20 min) and say “okay, I’m going to work non-stop during this timer, but then I can go…read/watch TV/check social media, whatever it is I’d rather do. I’m shocked at how much I can get done in a little span of intense working time. – Driskilldiaries
- Get your kids involved, Leyton loves “helping” take things to the trash can, straightening blankets/pillows and transferring laundry.
Eric grew up in a more clean/regimented house than I did so cleaning comes a lot more naturally to him. Although my family always said my room was the cleanest in the house, I simply get busy now and don’t notice the chaos I’ve created around me with laundry everywhere because I’m so lost in all the people I need to see, meet, teach or wipe noses on, HA!
I will say Eric has made me vastly more aware than I was and it’s something I working on. I’d say that we keep a pretty tidy house in general…always able to mad dash to get it presentable in the living area within about 5-10 mins but don’t look in my bathroom, ha! I’m sure you guys have a million more spring cleaning tips I haven’t heard yet so please share them in the comments below!
This post was written as part of the Allstate Influencer Program and sponsored by Allstate. All opinions are mine. As the nation’s largest publicly held personal lines insurer, Allstate is dedicated not only to protecting what matters most–but to guiding people to live the Good Life, every day.
Shop the Spring Cleaning Hacks Post Here:

These are beautiful photos, I loved the entire post!
Omg, I love all of these ideas, and i love them even more that they’re all from real moms! Now to just pick which ones I want to start implementing!