Sweater (similar) // Earrings (similar) // Necklace (similar) // Leggings // Shoes
Did your personal style change after having kids? Read more on how motherhood helped me find my personal style.
Before I had Leyton, I worked in an office with pretty standard office casual attire. I really struggled with fashion growing up and feel that college and being around so many girls in a sorority at Samford helped me come a little more into my own from a fashion sense. My fashion sense still left a lot to be desired but I did keep getting better and better at it as I watched and learned from the million try on’s we would do before every party and event.
When I started teaching Pure Barre about a year after college, I fell in love with the athleisure trend and really feel that the women of Pure Barre, specifically our owners, Lindsay and Danielle really helped me to try out new things, and take more risks with how I wore clothes. Now I feel more comfortable styling athleisure clothes than anything else, ha!
And as a mom, that’s a good thing because between teaching Pure Barre, blogging full time and being a mom, athleisure is what you’ll find me in most days. I find a lot of freedom in being able to have this space, Pure Barre, and the way I dress to be my creative outlet. God made me a very driven and creative personality and I find a lot of joy in getting to follow out His calling on my life through expression in this space.
Top (similar) // Bra // Leggings (similar) // Boots
I think that I would really struggle if I stayed at home with Leyton all the time without another job or outlet. I have SO much respect for stay at home moms and I truly am amazed at what you do every day. When I was home all by myself for those first 8 weeks after I had Leyton, I felt so isolated and down. There was just SO much change and so much quiet and home time that I didn’t know what to do with myself.
I remember saying out loud to friends, “When will I ever wear things that aren’t nursing tanks and sweat pants again?” It seemed unfeasible to imagine in the beginning life past those first few sleepless, nursing, hard weeks and months. Being the planner I am, I even scheduled a friend or family member to come visit me every day so I wouldn’t go crazy cooped up in my house. (If you haven’t read Leyton’s birth story and why I couldn’t leave my house for weeks, you can see it here!)
I truly feel that for the way that God created me and my personality, this blog allows me to spend time with Leyton but also get my creative outlet in. I really struggle with too much structure so an 8 am-5 pm desk job was difficult for me. I have a hard time sitting still for that long and I have a hard time being alone. So having a job where I technically work at home and came into this new role as a mom at the same time was a lot of inner working out to do.
Jacket (similar) // Leyton’s Onesie (similar) // Leyton’s ShoesÂ
My style took another turn once I had Leyton because I could stay in my athleisure clothes all day…but then I felt tempted to not put on makeup or not get “done up.” I still find myself struggling in this from time to time because it seems silly to blow dry out and curl my unruly curls when I’m only going to get sweaty and ruin it later that day.
My happy medium for now has become to not necessarily do my hair but once a week. I typically do it on the weekend for a date night and then otherwise I wear it in a low bun or a messy top knot so that it’s Pure Barre, Empower or run ready. I put on a light application of makeup, usually in the car, and I always put on at least one fun or funky pair of leggings or a detailed top that makes me feel sassy. I usually wear stud earrings and a simple necklace that won’t get in the way of a workout but also makes me look a little more put together.
Then, once a month for blog photo shoots or events and/or for date nights I really enjoy getting dressed up and pulling out all the stops. Full on hair, makeup, party dress, heels, the works. I think that the opportunities the blog presents with events, photo shoots and other fun outings makes me keep that sense of what the outside world is doing and how to look put together in it.
I love this opportunity to keep a sense of “me.” Getting dressed up and out on the town helps me feel refreshed so that I can come back to mom life even more rejuvenated and ready to tackle the next poo poo diaper or toddler meltdown. I hope each of you takes that time for you at least once or so a month. It truly is a game changer and I’m so grateful I have a husband who helps me make the time for me and the time for US!
I went from a high schooler/college student who spent hours straightening and BATTLING my natural curls, 30 minutes+ doing my eye makeup just right to now realizing I don’t have time for that anymore. One day, I’ll have more time to fool with all those things on the regular and then I’ll miss the fact that I don’t have a toddler who keeps interrupting my limited “getting ready” routine.
There’s nothing more special to me than being home chasing Leyton around in my athleisure but wow, mama loves to get dressed up for a date night too. I’ve had so many of you tell me that you love when I share deals on cute shoes, or lacy bralettes or otherwise cute mom-friendly attire because it helps you feel like you’re taking some of your sassy mamahood back for yourself and in turn, for your man. AND I LOVE IT! Keep on rocking it, mamas. I’m so proud I get to have you here with me in this community. Y’all make me stay inspired and I’m so so happy that I can occasionally return the favor to you.
I’m linking up with 8 other bloggers (who are also moms) to talk about how motherhood has affected each woman’s personal style.
Samantha (The Samantha Show) | Alyssa (Feathers and Stripes) | Lauren (Outfits and Outings) | Caitlin (Confessions of a Northern Belle) | Laura (Have Need Want) | Amanda (South Coast Style) |Â April (April Go Lightly) | Angelle (Dashing Darlin’)
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That is so awesome that you teach Pure Barre! If I had that job I bet I would live in athleisure clothing too – my collection is slim pickings these days!
Caitlin, haha, right?! It’s a pretty good excuse. If you ever decide to expand your collection, I know way too much and could be very dangerous for your budget. 😉 LOL!
Such a great post! I had my second baby 5 months ago and am really trying to make it a point to get dressed every day, not just in sweats and tshirts ??
Wow, Meghan, that’s great! Even if you just start a few days a week, it’s a start. Get it, lady!