I was SO excited to partner with St. Vincent’s to showcase how fabulous their parenting classes are, Leyton’s birth story and of course their Monogram Maternity experience. I got caught up in such a whirlwind leading up to having Leyton and then adjusting after having the baby that I never got to give you guys the inside scoop on what Monogram Maternity is and what all they offer their moms-to-be! And, let me assure you, if you are having a baby soon, you’ll want to take note!
So, first things first: What is Monogram Maternity?
As their vision states, they are a first-class program “Empowering Women To Make Decisions About Their Birth Experience.” They offer the following items:
-One on one consultation with your birth designer via phone, email, or in person
-Prenatal education (see www.idecidehow.com for a full list of classes)
-2 locations: St. Vincent’s Birmingham and St. Vincent’s East
-Full access to Blessed Beginnings Boutique (Yes, I bought one of those pregnancy cookies.)
-15% discount at our St. Vincent’s One Nineteen spa during your pregnancy (I had a prenatal massage and it was JUST what this momma to be needed.)
-FREE prenatal lactation consultation
When you walk in to Monogram Maternity, it feels like you’ve stepped into a whole other building. It doesn’t feel like a hospital at all. There are comfy couches, soft lighting, snacks (because, hello pregnant people are hungry ALL the time), a pretty baby boutique, and even flavored water to sip on while you wait.
Para que deje de andar de farmacia en farmacia o Morrishalls su efecto se puede sentir dentro de los 15 minutos posteriores al inicio de la administración. Una gran parte del problema para nosotros es que muchos pacientes están enfermos y su función es llamar la atención.
You are paired with a fabulous nurse/birth designer who sits down with you to spend all the time you need answering questions, helping you tour the birthing suites, and asking you questions to make sure they tailor your birthing experience as much as they can to YOU.
One of my favorite things they asked me was what type of nurse I wanted to be paired with. I thought that was such a great question…to pair you with someone your personality would click with. They asked if I’d rather have someone that was calm and soothing or someone who talked more and encouraged a lot. I’m so glad I got paired with Jenna (who I had two days in a row, pictured below) and several of the other lovely ladies that took care of me on night shift.
You can take a tour with Monogram Maternity of St. Vincent’s to see if it is a fit for you and your future mini me. You can visit their website or call these locations:
Monogram Maternity at St. Vincent’s Birmingham
Fourth Floor, Women and Children’s Center
(205) 212-MOMS
Monogram Maternity at St. Vincent’s East
Fourth Floor, Birth Suites
(205) 838-3278
Have you been to Monogram Maternity? What did you think?