This post is sponsored by Mirum. Opinions are 100% my own.
Photos: Eric and Jamie Photo
Can you even handle how delicious these look? When I tried out this Walnut & Oat Pancake Recipe for the first time last week to take these photos, I was blown away! They are so tasty with the banana, cinnamon, and walnuts. The perfect flavors for Christmas! I asked what your Christmas morning traditions were last week and I have had the best time reading through all of them. Many of your traditions included pancakes so I thought it would be fun to provide you with a yummy Walnut & Oat Pancake Recipe to add to your line-up!
If you just got married or just had babies and aren’t sure what your Christmas morning traditions will be, I encourage you to read through everyone else’s at the bottom of this post for some great ideas! To be honest, we are still trying to figure out our traditions as well. With Leyton’s picky eating, we haven’t nailed down a favorite breakfast go-to. I have cinnamon rolls on deck for this year paired with my easy breakfast casserole! We also just broke out Star from Afar today (late is better than never, right?!) and I saw it is on sale so I had to share it with you guys! We also have The Giving Manger, both are great fun options to teach your kids about Christmas’ meaning.
Our Christmas Eve traditions have been the same for a few years. On Christmas Eve, Santa comes through our neighborhood on a fire truck so we will get together with the neighbors to watch Santa and enjoy appetizers. Pretty much every 3 year old boy’s dream come true! I love watching Leyton’s reaction!! After that, we head to our Christmas Eve service at the church followed by takeout Chinese food with my side of the family. If you are looking for even more tradition ideas, check out this post on Christmas Traditions for Couples and this post on Christmas Traditions for Families!
Okay, back to the pancakes! What I really love about these pancakes is that they are dairy free for all my vegan friends and that helps save a few calories for us all! It is like my personal mission to find easy ways to swap ingredients for a lighter or healthier version of a favorite recipe. When I discovered I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! had a VEGAN Spread, I was beyond excited to try it out. It contains less harmful fats and less calories, of course! However, the texture and taste is in no way compromised. It is still rich and creamy and as unbelievable as ever before 😉
To name a few of the benefits…
- No hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils
- 70% less saturated fat than butter
- 40% fewer calories than butter
- Gluten free
- No cholesterol per serving
If you are thinking about making this recipe for Christmas morning, make sure to grab your I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! Vegan Spread at your local Publix stores and use this digital coupon for $2.00 off ANY ICBINB 45 oz tub! Valid thru 12/31/18!
Walnut & Oat Pancake Recipe
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1½ tsp. baking powder
- ¼ tsp. salt
- ⅛ tsp. ground nutmeg
- ⅛ tsp. ground cinnamon
- ¼ cup chopped walnuts
- ¼ cup quick-cooking oats
- 4 Tbsp. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!® It's Vegan
- 1 cup club soda
- Combine flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon in medium bowl.
- Stir in walnuts, oats, 2 tablespoons melted ICB-Vegan Spread, then club soda.
- Let batter stand 5 minutes to thicken.
- Melt 2 teaspoons Spread in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat then drop batter by ¼-cupfuls.
- Cook pancakes, turning once, until done.
- Repeat with remaining Spread and batter.
- Serve, if desired, with sliced bananas, maple syrup and a dollop of Spread.
Your Christmas Morning Traditions
@pagan_mom_boss – The girls wake us up, we make them stay in our room while we make coffee and then call them out once we have our camera ready! Then we do stockings from each other and have breakfast casserole
@marisa0718 – I always go down first and turn on coffee, Christmas Lights. Then I call my husband and girls down.
@malelia123 – Crepes and mimosas
@maryr1999 – Sausage and gravy biscuits
@kelsimiller13 – Make cinnamon rolls and open stockings
@amanda_primavera – Cinnamon rolls, Christmas music, and cuddle time with my babies
@tiffie_havs – Cinnamon rolls and both sets of parents come to visit the little guy for brunch and presents
@melissa_wanner6416 – We always open our stockings first before doing the presents and we are always in matching Christmas PJS
@averyquinnbottom – My mom preps cinnamon rolls and egg bake the day before so those cook while we leisurely open presents
@thelavendertassel – Red Velvet Pancakes(cream cheese icing for syrup), sausage balls and gifts
@jennsoko2015 – Christmas Mimosas
@annalynnpetrie – I make a batch of homemade cinnamon buns for Christmas and then presents
@ciaraholinksi – We always eat breakfast pizza and homemade coffee cake! YUM!
@tiredasamother421 – Breakfast Casserole and leftover Christmas eve cookies
@luvmychevy3100 – Homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast Christmas morning
@thrivinginmotherhood – Monkey bread and hot coco
@lifebetweensundays – After we open with our kids, my whole family comes for breakfast
@danielliiiiiii – Read Luke 2. Make a big breakfast. Sing one Christmas song. Open gifts.
@naturally_douglas – Christmas music, opening stocking together, waffles for breakfast, then open first gift
@jac_gibbs – Eating breakfast and opening presents together
@nsaldy – “Santa” only brings 1 gift per child and it is already set up so the kids can play with it
@tay.cardell – Cinnamon buns is our only tradition for now….our daughter is 2 now so its just now getting fun
@mrstoombs89 – We try to read a chapter from the Bible, eat a meal, open gifts and enjoy family time.
@southernmamaaa – A huge breakfast for sure!!! “Sprinkles the Elf”, Christmas music blasting to wake the kids up
@alainamarie0531 – We make breakfast casserole every year and have coffee by the fire.
@hscharlson – No one gets to go downstairs until Dad has “checked” to see if Santa has shown up
@bzshears – Sausage casserole, Bible story of Jesus being born, seeing all the presents. Also my parents videoed Christmas morning every year until I was 22.
@lynseyhatley – We open stocking and presents and then we make eggs benedict every year
@mommaprice92 – We make home made monkey bread for Christmas breakfast, this is the only time we get it.
@maruwong – Baking Cinnamon rolls after gifts
@kaylafulkerson – Open gifts at our house and then go to my in laws for breakfast and gifts
@gracieayscue1 – Pictures – so many pictures with your gifts. Baking cookies and opening gifts together as a little family.
@am.hastings_ – Pancakes
@em_lee_ann – Last two years my parents would come over and watch my son open his presents
@jeniakyle – Open gifts, fix breakfast, stay in PJs all day and chill with family. DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE.
@kjeansonne108 – Big Christmas breakfast, Christmas music, Christmas movies, a chaos
@cathy_dunavin – French Toast breakfast after what Santa brought
@ambmad09 – Breakfast with our little family, we open gifts, and then we head out to everyone else’s house
@ohmybailea_21 – Wake up super early, set up “Santa Gifts”, drink lots of coffee and watch my kids open gifts
@mamablessedbygrace – My sweet brother comes over and does Santa with my two year old.
@emilyp103 – Monkey bread and opening presents in our pajamas
@caitlin_peg – Pancakes with strawberries and powdered sugar + a Christmas movie with the hubby
@a.rachunok – Pancakes and bacon for breakfast and open stockings then gifts
@hearmerohtbacher – We eat breakfast at my parents. Sausage, eggs, hot cocoa, and fried oysters
@rachwalraven – Morning with just my husband and girls and then we go to my in-laws
@emdoeshomes – Always a big, yummy breakfast
@elise488 – Making from scratch breakfast pizza
@tanyat5046 – Church then my parents over on Christmas Eve
@tyesagsparkles – Making breakfast with my family and opening presents. Singing LOUD to Christmas songs.
@paularnp – Opening presents. Breakfast. Back to sleep.
@aajeffreys – Champagne and pineapple juice and Mississippi state cheese…..with a side of cinnamon rolls
@travelcaffeinated – Coffeecake and hot chocolate for breakfast after opening gifts
@kdoornbos – Breakfast in bed with my love. No kiddos yet, just us. Savor these moments.
@mdukart610 – Breakfast, presents, guys feed cows, while my mom sister and I wrangle children
@hippechick_jlaw – Read the Christmas story out of the Bible out loud as a family before opening gifts.
@countrysg – Ours switch as we never know if Dad will be home or off with the Army
@cristinazier – Cinnamon rolls and Christmas Movies
@kaylaives89 – Opening presents and enjoying coffee and breakfast with my family
@jensirko – Big breakfast and then the grandparents come over to see what Santa brought.
@joysfromjesus – I trained the girls to stay in their rooms until 8 am! Then we open our stockings while breakfast cooks.
@dlizziebeth – I make pancakes! But maybe waffles this year if I get my waffle maker
Want even MORE Christmas tradition ideas?! Y’all sent in over 30 ideas last year too! Make sure to check them out!
Pin The Walnut & Oat Pancake Recipe For Later!

So excited to make these in the morning and I think I may also try and make the the lightened up Santa cookies!!!! Yummy